Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/306

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of London, and Ernulf Bishop of Rochester, and William Giffard Bishop of Winchester, and Bernard Bishop of Wales (St. David's), and Roger Bishop of Salisbury. Then early in Lent the Archbishop journeyed to Rome for his pall, and Bernard Bishop of Wales, and Sefred Abbot of Glastonbury, and Anselm Abbot of St. Edmund's, and John Archdeacon of Canterbury, and Gifard who was the King's chaplain, went with him. Thurstan Archbishop of York went to Rome at the same time by order of the Pope, and he arrived three days before the Archbishop of Canterbury, and was received with much honour. Then came the Archbishop of Canterbury, and it was a full week before he could obtain an audience of the Pope, because the Pope had been given to understand that he had received the Archbishoprick in opposition to the monks of the monastery, and against right; but that which overcometh all the world, namely gold and silver, overcame Rome also, and the Pope relented and gave him his pall, and the Archbishop swore obedience in all things that he should impose, on the heads of St. Peter and St. Paul, and the Pope then sent him home with his blessing. Whilst the Archbishop was abroad, the King gave the Bishoprick of Bath to the