Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/33

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and reigned 53 years. In his days the holy Pope Gregory sent us baptism, this was in the 32d year of his reign. And the Priest Columba came to the Picts, and converted those who live by the northern moors to the faith of Christ: and their King gave him the island that is called Ii (lona); it contains five hides of land, and there, as men say, Columba built a monastery, and he lived there as Abbot 32 years, and he died there when he was 77 years old. The place is still in the possession of his heirs. The southern Picts were baptized long before by Bishop Ninna, who was educated at Rome. — His church and monastery consecrated in the name of St. Martin, are at Hwiterne (Whitehorn), and there he resteth with many holy men. Now there shall ever be an Abbot and not a Bishop in Iona, and all the Scotch Bishops shall be subject to him, because Columba was an Abbot and no Bishop.


This year Ceawlin and his brother Cutha fought with Æthelbyrht and drove him into Kent, and they slew two Aldermen, Oslac and Cnebba, at Wibbandun (Wimbledon).


This year Cuthwulf fought with the Britons