Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/70

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This year Bishop Daniel went to Rome. And the same year Ina slew the Prince Cynewulf. And this year the holy Bishop John died, he was Bishop 33 years, 8 months and 13 days, and his body resteth at Beverley.


This year Queen Æthelburh destroyed Taunton which Ina had built. And Ealdbryht went as an exile into Surrey, and among the South Saxons: and Ina fought with the South Saxons.


This year Wihtred King of Kent died on the 9th of the calends of May; he reigned 32 years, and his lineage is written above; and Ealdberht succeeded him. And Ina fought with the South Saxons, and there he slew the Prince Ealbyrht, whom he had driven into exile.


This year Tobias Bishop of Rochester died, and Archbishop Brihtwold consecrated Aldulf to that bishoprick.


This year Ina went to Rome, and there he ended his life, and his kinsman Æthelheard succeeded to the kingdom of Wessex, and held it 14 years; and Æthelheard and the Prince Os-