Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/76

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wounded. In the morning when the King's Thanes, who had remained behind, heard that the King was slain, they rode thither, both his Alderman Osric and his Thane Wiverth, and all those whom he had left; and they found the Prince in the town wherein the King lay slain, and the gates shut against them. And when they came up he promised them their liberty, and riches, and lands, if they would give up the kingdom to him; and he told them that their kinsmen were with him, and would not desert him. Then they answered, that no kinsman was dearer to them than their Lord, and that they would never follow his murderer, and they bade their kinsmen abandon the Prince, and depart in safety. These replied, that the same offer had been made to their adversaries the former companions of the King, and that they were no more inclined to do this thing than their own fellow soldiers who with the King had been slain. And then they fought around the gates until the Prince's party fled into the town, and the Prince was killed, and all who were with him except one; he was godson of the Alderman who saved his life, though he had many wounds. Cynewulf reigned 31 years, and his body lieth at Winchester, and that of the Prince at Acsan-