Page:A manual of pharmacology and its applications to therapeutics and toxicology (1922).djvu/15

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Miscellaneous Antiseptics 606

Formaldehyd, 606 — Hexamethylenamin, 609 — Chlorin Antiseptics, 614 — Sulphur, Dioxid (Sulphurous Acid), 617 — Sodium Sulphite and Thiosulphate (Hyposulphite), 617 — Ozone, 618 — Hydrogen Peroxid, 618 — Peroxids of Metals, 619 — Organic Peroxids, 619 — Iodoxybenzoic Acid, 619 — Potassium Permanganate, 620 — Boric Acid and Borax, 620 — Iodoform, 622— General Consideration of Antiseptics, 623.

Serums and Vaccines 615

Diphtheria Antitoxin, 626 — Antipoliomyelitis Serum, 629 — Tetanus Antitoxin, 629 — Antimeningococcus Serum, 630 — Antipneumococcic Serums, 630 — Hay Fever Preparations, 630 — Vaccine Virus, 631 — Antirabic Vaccine, 630 — Tuberculin Preparations, 631 — Typhoid Vaccine, 632— Gonococcus Vaccine, 633.

Theories op Narcosis 633

Alcohol 640

Higher Alcohols, 659 — Methyl Alcohol, 660 — Acetone (Dimethyl-ketone), 661 — Denatured Alcohol, 661.

Ether and Chloroform Group. 662

Choice of the Anesthetic, 680 — The Administration of Anesthetics, 684 — Causes of Death Under Anesthesia, 687 — Treatment of Accidents, 689 — Related Anesthetics, 691.

Aliphatic Hypnotics 693

Chloral Hydrate, 695 — Other Chlorinated Hypnotics, 699 — Paraldehyd, 699 — Sulphonal Group, 700.

Hypnotic Urea Derivatives 701

Barbital, 702 — Bromural, 703 — Urethanes, 704.

The Systemic Actions of Gases 704

Nitrous Orid, 705 — Carbon Dioxid (Carbonic Acid), 708 — Carbonic Oxid (Carbon Monoxid, CO); Illuminating Gas, 712 — Oxygen, 714 — Oxygen Deficiency, 717.

Hydrocyanic Acid and Cyanids 719

Physical Factors of Salt Actions 724

Colloidal Solutions, 725 — Osmosis, 730 — Electrolytic Dissociation, 737.

Osmotic Effects on Cells 739

Actions of Electrolytes, 744 — Physiologic or Normal Saline Solutions (Artificial Serums), 749-— Osmotic Exchanges in the Body, 750.

Cathartic Salts 756

Sodium Sulphate, 760 — Sodium Phosphate, 761 — Pyrophosphates, 761 — Tartrates, 762 — Magnesium Compounds, 763.

Water 767

Mineral Waters, 771 — Climate, 773 — Diuretics, 774.

Sodium Chlorid 776

Saline Infections and Transfusion, 782- Urea, 786 — Saccharum Lactis (Milk-Sugar), 786.

Potassium Salts 787

Lithium Salts, 789 — Rubidium and Csesium, 789.

Ammonium Compounds 790

Classification of Expectorants 793

Calcium Salts 795

Strontium 803

Oxalic Acid and Oxalates 804

Fluorid Ion 805

Barium 806

Bromids 808

Iodids 813

SULPHOCYANIDS (Thiocyanates; Rhodanates) 821

Nitrates 822

Potassium Chlorate 823

Bromates, Iodates, 824,

Methemoglobin Formation 824

The Reaction of the Body (Remote Effects of Acids and Alkalies) 826

Dilute Hydrochloric and Other Acids 838

Sodium Bicarbonate and Other Mild Alkalies 844

Urate Solvents 847