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history is so proper to illustrate this subject, (which now so nearly concerns us, as that of the Jews: for as the knowledge of the divine law was revealed in a more particular manner to that people, and to others only through them, so the effect even of their disobedience was an exemplary demonstration, from time to time, of God's vengeance, as well as of his mercy, for the instruction of all other nations, amongst whom they are now dispersed as living monuments of the same to this very day: and we have the authority of an apostle (Cor. x. 11,) to assert, that "all these things happened unto them for examples; and they are written," (says he) "for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come."

One of the first and most signal instances of mercy which the Almighty was pleased to show that people, after they became a nation, was, the restoring them to their natural freedom from the deplorable slavery in which they were detained by a lyranical Egyptian monarch (Exod. iii. 23, 24,): and the tremendous judgments whereby this deliverance was effected (viz. the plagues of Egypt) are so many signal examples of God's severe vengeance against slaveholders, which ought to be had in everlasting remembrance, to warn all nations of the world against the unnatural and baneful practice of keeping slaves.

This deliverance from bondage was frequently mentioned, even in the words of God himself, by his prophets, from time to time (as I have before remarked)—"Thus saith the Lord" (i. e. Jehovah) "God of Israel: I brought you up from Egypt, and brought you forth out of the house of bondage;" (צבדים מביה, more literally "from the house of slaves") "and I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of all that oppressed you," &c. Judges vi. 8.—"I removed his shoulder from the burden; his hands were delivered from the pots:[1] thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee." Psal. lxxxi. 6, 7.

The Israelites themselves were also particularly directed

  1. In like manner there are multitudes of poor people retained in a deplorable bondage, even to this day, in the potteries of China.