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gratify an eminently insane and cruel state of public feeling —and how? Why, by taking sides with that insane and cruel feeling, and by flattering its wickedness in order to obtain its insolent and supercilious aid.

Love; impartial, brotherly, christian love, was the source of Sierra Leone. Hatred and contempt for color— or often in defiance of all truth, and in contempt of all evidence for what is called color—or for one drop of African, though mingled with streams of European blood; or, more absolutely than for either of these, for the enormous crime, of their poor mothers' having been most shamelessly and iniquitously degraded and outraged before them. Such hatred and contempt, were the great source, and still continue the efficient support of Liberia—so thorougly so, that would the orthodox, (not ortho-prax) color of the United States, but return to its senses, to republicanism and its manhood, there would remain no reason for sending a single additional settler to Liberia, on the colonization plan; but every reason, for cherishing them in love, in their native country; and for making them all the amends which unfeigned repentance would make, for the cruel indignities and wrongs so long and so criminally heaped upon them, the present cement and climax of which is, striving to get their free portion off, as decently as possible, to a foreign and barbarous land!

The settlement of Sierra Leone, cherished the best feelings of the English nation—sympathy for the oppressed, and benevolence towards desolate strangers, whom the proud world spurned and persecuted.

The founding of Liberia, cherished the worst feelings of the people of the United States; the idol-sin, which distinguishes them from all other civilized people, color hatred, or rather, mother-hatred, since an oppressed and outraged, not guilty, mother, is the only definite criterion of it; color being frequently darker amongst the whites!! than amongst the colored people!

How strikingly, also, is the holy faithfulness of Samuel Hopkins, in speaking and preaching, publicly, against slavery, contrasted with the present colonization coverings-up