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Ali married into the family of Mulla Ahmad Nait, a nobleman of the court, and the king appointed him to the post of Personal or Private Secretary. In the eighth year of Aurungzeb's reign, when the Moghals under Raja Jeysing invaded Bijapur, Mulla Ahmed was sent by Ali Adil Shah to adjust certain affairs with them, and to procure peace. He joined the camp of the Raja at Purander in 1076 A. H. (A.D. 1665), but forgetting the sacred character of his mission he deserted his master; and entered the imperial service. A firman conferring on him a mansab or command of troops consisting of 6,000 foot and 6,000 horse, and Rs. 2,50,000 in cash, was sent to him from the Moghal Court; and the Raja was directed to encourage him to hope for further distinctions after his introduction to the imperial presence, ' such as the title of Saadulla Khan, and employment in some high position. Mulla Ahmed subsequently met with his death at Ahmednagar, and his son Muhammad Asad was received into the imperial presence in the beginning of the ninth year from the accession, when he obtained the title of Ibram Khan and a command of 1,500 foot and 100 horse.

Sheikh Muhammad Ali had two sons born to him of the daughter of Mula Ahmad. Their names were Sheikh Muhammad Bakar and Sheikh Hyder. Ali Adil Shah appointed Sheikh Muhammad Bakar as his Chief Steward and Sheikh Haidar as Auditor to his Government. Sheikh Ali Khan, a dignitary of the State of Bijapur, had two sisters, one of whom was married to Sheikh Muhammad Bakar and the other to Mulla Yahia, surnamed