Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/43

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I want a vifit now from thee* I'm forry for my paft behaviour, jwant a vifit from thee.

I'm forry for my paft behaviour, That I fo oft have ftrayed from thee,

Let thy blood be appli'd,

Nothing elfe can ftain, cleanfe my fins.

Since for tinners thou haft died,

I'll pleed thy bleeding veins, 'Tis through ihy falvation I afk falvation,

Jefus I belkve thee to* be our door.

I hope and truft with expectation, To reign with thee forever more,

Do not fufferme to be deceived, My God my truft is all in thee.

If I have not in thee believed, O Lord make it known to me,,

Search my heart in every corner, Make me know how vile I be.

jefus to thee I'll give the honor. Jefus the thanks belong to thee.

Chrijliam Victory*

M ' .

  • Y God my Saviour here I be,

Drinking at thy fountain free,

There is no lefs than when I began, Here is enough for every one.

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