Page:A narrative of the life of Solomon Mack.djvu/45

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For three days she eat only the yolk of one egg — she was an anatomy to appearance. Her friends were often weeping around her bed expecting every moment to be her last.

The day before her recovery, the doctor said it was as much impossible to raise her, as it would one from the dead. The night following me dreamed a dream; it was that a sort of wine would cure her, it was immediately brought to her, and me drank it. The next morning she awoke and called to her husband to get up and make a fire — he arose immediately, but thought she was out of her head; but soon he found to the contrary; quickly she arose upon end in the bed (said the Lord has helped both body and soul) and dressed herself. She then asked for the Psalm book and turned to the 30th psalm. 2d part (readers look for yourselves) and again she mentioned the 116th first part. Soon after the same morning she went to the house of her father-in-law, (which was about ten rods) and back again on her feet her eyes and countenance appeared lively and bright as ever it was in her past life. It was on Thursday following, she went to meeting, which was a mile and a half. On the first singing she offered them the 116th psalm first part. The minister preached an excellent sermon but her exhortation was said to exceed the minister's sermon and on the last singing she turned to the 116th psalm 2d part. After meeting re-