Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/115

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L F R E D. fhips, making the navy I, is po. uli ii qarej arid he rovere 1 his frontiers by c.;H!es wxll foriiii,,!, wlmii In-fore hia tin Saxons never r.iifxd. Jn oL' v ' irjs he H vc and induftrioys.j he lepa.rtd ihe . i 'lliol liy i Danes; ne eiccK:.J new ones, ,i>-, ( ] a.!ornel am) emb ' Ihcd Inch as were in a (kx-ayi'd coniiun. . h is ;,fiiuii. d ti> one fixth part of his revenues va >1 to tho r..ivimnt his woik'nen's vvam-s, who had be eat and drink at the king's cxpcnce. In refpe& to religious founda-ion . I .-d Afar was remarkable for his piety, io he i xcelied mott of his prcdc- . ceilbrs in this particular; for, betides re-edifying and reflor- ing alnioit e^ery monadtry in h:s do:iiin:os, u.'iich the po- verty of the times or the fury of the Daivs 'h-d brought tn rjiin, lie huilc, and improved more, b hues other acts of munificence towauL- the . h irch [L]. Heiif.iid by fume to have founded the univeificy < f OxforJ ; yet thi, matter is warmly clifputed, and has employed feveral learned pens ; but the cele- brated An hony 'v r ood has inhae-J niuit fully upon it: ki much however is ceitain, that ^E!fred ftttied and rcltored that univeriity, endowed it with revenues, aii'i placed ihers the moft famous profeflbrs [MJ. 'i'iiou^h he had always * very [K] He is tbou.cH to have Vren ihe founder of ShaftclWy : for /.Vil!i..m of M-lmefbury informs u-, thefe ci?out of ruins a iioi e w,i'h this in- fcription : " Anno Dominica? incT-

  • ' nationis 880 ^S!'"re^us r- x feet hare

" urljem repni lui g. In the year bi-ing the 8 h of his reign, king " /Elfrea founded ihis city." DeG'-ft. Ponr. Angl. p. 251. He i* a<o faid to have been the found fr of Mid^Itton and Balford, in Keiit^ of tUe Devize 5 , in Wiltshire ; an.i of /Elfreton, in Derbuhire. He ipnored and reboilt Malme/hury, which had been brunt and deitroyed by the Danes : and there is a coin which leems to intim?tf, that he did as much for the city of Nor- ivich. Hej'ne's Nott-s on Spelman, p, 16}.. Speed's Chronicle, p. ^84. [L] He rlemolifh'd the cattle which he iwd built in the ifle of A;!"elney, and ih the maicrials rtftored an n- c'ent miMiaitfry, which he aoorncd and heautiried. When he had finillied it, h:>ngata lois for perions to refid? there- in, he fent for an abbot from Saxony, and invited feveral monks from France; aad :o make up the numbrr, he acVc.1 aKo r-v-r.^1 Engliln youths. (Will. Mjlivifu. lib. i>.) The nfxt ie.' r : houfe he f^uod-d wai a nunnety, in the town of S ^ftriburv, at ihe c^ft : thrr ' : he h.l, d with i ons, *l . t , *n : i-e ni i. - trr A',theleot their abbef. (R. Hi t -d. PoUciir. 2^7.) In conj';PCM< n - kisqu'cn ^iilfuiih, h-. fpuiuinl a nun- nery at Wiiichcfti-r ; and a l:nle bt'oie hi'de^'h, he d'-fitned and laid the ton n of a new monartery, cai! J New MbnafreYy, in the fani* ci y. H- confir-ncH the gnnt made by Ci'uthrum km? ot No r tr"imbrlai(i tu the b'.^c^r'C of Durham, of all the country b?'vren Tineand Fife. He likewile j:rant - d much tj the abbey i. f (J'-it'onbury ; ar.J lent to the C3ti:-r!ra| c!v..rch of " h rhuir, I., veral pteciovi-: fi> r--, '"on:! .'. m the Indies. 'I'lic j'.K f S at firtt for an abbcfs an.i twrlv.- Quit! i i.e increafed rheir nurr l<rr !< tv on tht" aCcoOnf bf a viftory he o i . rr tii.- Di':ff nr--r 'h.u place. LtUi;c. iv;- letr. vol. it. }-. '95. |M) 'Ihcfchools eretfe. 1 S .". '!!':ed at Oxford, were the Great Hal), tbc LeOerHJi, nJ the Lir.L I^Jl. I-i .ic