Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/128

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Lake's Col. leftion of Councils, torn. xiii. p. 1407. Fl nry, n. xxiii. i j8, 119. /ENEAS. ' gard to thofe writings, which injure in any manner the autho-

    • rity of the apoftolic fee, and afTert opinions which the holy
  • ' Roman church does not receive. If you find any thing con-
  • c trary to this in our dialogues and letters, or in any other of

" our works, defpife fuch notions, rejedt them, follow what " we maintain now; believe what I afiert now I am in years, " rather than what I faid when I was young: regard a pope 61 rather than a private man ; in fhort, rejcdt ./Eneas Sylvius, " and receive Pius II. Nee priv^tum hominem pluris ' facite, quamfummum pontificem ; .rEneam rejicite, P;um. " accipite." Pius behaved in his high office with ^reat fpiritand afHvitv. He fuppreffed the war which Hiccinus was railing in Umbria ; and recovered AlTiii and Nucera. He ordered a convention of princes at Mantua, where he was prefent himfelf; and a war was refolved upon againfl the Turks. Upon his return to Rome, he went to Viteibo, and expelled feveral tyrants from the territories cf the eccleliaflical ftate. He excommu- nicated Sigifmund duke of Auftria, and Sigifmund JVLIatefta ; the former for imprifoning the cardinal of Cufa, and the lat- ter becaufe he refufed to pay the hundredrhs to the church of Rome : and he deprived the archbiihop of iVlentz, of his dig- nity. He confirmed Ferdinand in the kingdom of Nap'.es, and fent cardinal Urfini to c-rown him king. He made a treaty with the -king of Hungary ; and ccmmanded Pogebrac king of Bohemia to be cited before him. During his popedom he received embaiTadors from : the patriarchs of the Eaft : the chief of his embaily was one Mofes archdeacon of Auftria, a man well verfcd in the Greek and Syriac languages, and of a diRinguilhed characler. He appeared before his holinefs in the name of the patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria, and Jeru- falem ; he told his holirefs, that the enemy who lows tares, having prevented them till then from receiving the decree of the council of Florence, concerning the union of the Greek and Latin churches, God had at laii: infpired them with a refuliiticn <-f fubmitting to it ; that it had been folemnly agreed to, in an afiernbly caJied together for that purpofe ; and that for the future they would unanimoufiv fubmit to the pope as vicegerent of Jefus Chrift. Pius commended the patriarchs for iheir obedience, and ordered JYIofes's Ipeech to be tranf- iatt-d into JLatin, and placed amongft the archives of the Ro- man church. A fe.v days after the arrival of thefe amb.rTi- dors from the hiaft, there came others alfo from AdonobaiTe, or Monembuiffe, a city in Pdoponnefus, fifuated upon a mountain near the fea : thefe offered the obedience or, their city