Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/148

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ii2 AGRIPPA. greatly enraged his enemies; and that which he.foon after print- ed at Antwerp, " Of the Occult Philofophy," afforded them frefh pretexts for defaming his reputation. It was lucky for Ep. xx. hj m t | iat Cardinal Campejus, the pope's legate, and the car- !. a- 5 ". dinal de la Mark, biHiop of Liege, fpoke in his favour. Their kind offices, however, could not procure him his pen- fion as hiftoriographer, nor prevent him from being thrown into prifon at Brufiels, in the year 1531. But he foon re- gained his liberty, and the year following paid a vifit to the archbifhop of Cologn, to whom he had dedicated his "Occult 44 Philofophy,'* and from whom he had received a very obliging letter in return. The inquifitors endeavoured to hinder the impiefiion of his " Occult Philofophy," when he was about to print a fecond edition with emendations and additions; how- ever, notwithstanding all their oppofition, he finifhed it in 1533. ^ e ^ ait ^ at Bonne till 1535 > when he returned to Lyons, he was injprifoned for what he had written againft the Joh.wierus mother of Francis I. hut he was fcon releafed from his con- tie zz<*, n" nernen t, at the defire of feveral perfons, and went to Gre- p. in, noble, where he died the fame year. Some authors fay that he died in the hofpital, but Gabriel Naude affirms it was T CiudeApo]. at the houfe of the receiver general of the province of tie erancis rv i_ Homines, Dauphiny. p. 4:7. Agrippa had been twice married y fpeaking of his firft wife, in his xixth letter, lib. ii. " I have (fays he) the greateft

    • reafon to return thanks to Almighty God, who has given

"*' me a wife after my own heart, a virgin of a noble family,

  • 4 well behaved, young, beautiful, and fo conformable to my
  • 4 difpoiition, that we never have a harfn word with each

" other; and what completes my happinefs is, that in what- ever fituation my affairs are, whether profperous or adverfe, fhe ftill. continues the fame, equally kind, affable, con- 14 ftant, fincere, and prudent, always cafv, and miftrefs of 44 herfelf." This wife died in 1521. ; He married his fe- cond wife at Geneva, in 1522. The 'latter furpaffed the termer very much in fruit.'ulnefs ; he had but one fon by the former, whereas the latter was brought to bed thrice in vhtn they fa// that things took a le of greater copioufnefs than " different turn than what they wiihed " choice, and his /ivle rather redundant

  • ' for, ti ey were the firft to throw a " than concife and clegan'.. Upon every

' ftone at Luther," Eay'le, remark (N), " fubjeil he cenfure* what is bad, and in the Life of Agvipua. " praifcs *hat is good. B>u there are " I finil (fays EriG-nitj) by reading a " ibrre people -who c<in bfar nothing hoc ' little of the Vanity of Sciences, ih*t " applaufs," Erafm. Ep. lib. xvii. j>> ' Agrippa was a IT >n of a lively fancy, 1085, " great reading, anJ vaft mtfn:r> j bur I WO <;