Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/161

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ALAN. '25 Pius V. About this time too fir William St.m' - traycd the town of Daventer to the Spam. ; , with his whole regiment of i : co into t vice. Rrnvl.ind Yurk, who had been entiufled with .1 I' fort in the fame country, acted m the like iuia;i>:i - matiacr. Yet Alan wiote a treatiic in defence of this .._ ceeding : it was printed in En^lifh, in form o. r, and .. terwards in Latin, under the title of " Epiltola dc Dave ditione." For this, and other ftrrvicer-, be was created c.inii- nal on the zHth of July, 15^7, by the title of Sr. Martin m montibus ;" and foon after the kiny; of Spain gave him an LO- bey of great value in the kingdom of Naples. In April, 1586, Alan publifhed the woik which rendered him fo infamous in his own country, it cc of two parts, the firft explaining the pope's bull for the exi o:i.;ntiniciitioii and deprivation cf queen Elizabeth; the fecond, exhoiti: the nobility and people of England to defert her, and take up arms in favour of the Spaniards. Many thoufand co; i were printed at Antwerp, to be put on board the ar; that they mi^ht bt difperfed all over England ; but on th failing of this entcrprize, all thefe books wt;e difh r < One of them, as foon as printed, having been tranfmitted by fomp of the lord treafurer's fpies to the EngHfh council, queen Elizabeth lent Dr. Dale into the Low Countries, toC.'rrr complain thereof to the prince of Parma. After the armn was deftroyed, Howard earl of Arundel, who had been thr. years in piiion, under a charge of high treafon, xvas brought to his trial ; and it being proved that he with cardinal Alan, he was found guilty by hi" peers. '! fame year the king- of Spain promoted Alan to the archbi- (hoprick of Mechlin. The remainder of his life he fpent at Rome. The Englifli mini/try had always (pies upon him . for it appears by LJurleigh's papers, that he had exadt accoun of every ftep the cardinal took. In the Uft year.s of his life, hi is faid to have altered his fcntiments, and to have been ex- tremely forry for the pains he had taken to promote the mva- fion of England by the Spaniards. Mr. Watfon tells us, thatQ when he perceived the Jefuits intended nothing but the i ftruclion of his native country, he wept bitterly ; and this behaviour drew upon him the ill-will of that powerful 10- ciety. He died on the 26th of October, 1594, in the 63d year of his age, and was buried in the Eni/Iifli collide at Rome, where a monument is creeled to his memoir, with an infcription prefervcd by Godwin. He is penei: 1 . !v la:.: have died of a retention ol" urine i but it is (hrewil;y lufpcJic.i ih