Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/169

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., 10. A L B F. R T II .S. J > ALBERTUS (MAGNUS), alearned Domini 1 " friar '^ at Lawingen on the Danube, in Suabia, in 1^05' ' ' ing to fome, in I 193. He receive I his educatioB gen, and thence was Cent to Pavia ; where havifj V ther Jourdain the Dominican prr;>ch, he w*s A! him, that he put on the religious habit of hi '" '". ' After the deceafe of Jourdain, he was vicar- Jl J ral - ^ provincial of the Dominican order, and fen , . /> i id had a v.ilt ^oiogn, where he acquired great reputation, ai ,, number of fcholars, In 1245 he made a jourr j where he taught for thre* years ; and, in 1 24^, v, , '_ , a dolor of divinity. Soon after he returned to f , being lent for to Rome by Pope AkxaivL-r l" c

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there, and for Come time had the office of ma! , . ', ./ d with vil- palace : it was about this time too that he d Ipu'cl , n r T :n bithop of iiam oe oamt Amour. In 1260, he was cho'i i-> n e f , that he loon Katilbon : but lo great was his love for folitude, A - , f u , , - ,. -~ sine life. He rchsrncd this dignity, to enter a^am into the men , . . le have been , is (aid to have aaeJ as a man-mid wife; and !> ,. ,, ,- . , , e ~ . . , >llow fuch an highly orrended, that one of his profcflionlhould (c c _ i r A u i i i c n, of which < employment. A book entitled " Ue natura ri-rui - , - , , , , ort : in this he was reputed the author, (j-ave rife to this r-n , r ,' wes, and fo treatiie there are leveral initruchons for ir ; i . . . , u n -ii n. L > i ,'ink the au- much (kill Ihewn in their art, that one wouM tr, . , ., nimfeli prac- tnor could not have arrived at it without h.^vin , f . ,, ^ it the writer tiled : but the advocates for Albert fay he was n< ,. ,, ulierum, in thereof, ror of that other piece, " L'e ecretis m . , , , avoidable on vhich tnere are many phrales and expremons tin , , d a clamour luch a fubjtct, which gave great offence, and rail , , a^ainft the fup'->ofed author. It muft be acknow; n" J f P , . after of Sen- evcr, that tnere are, in his Lomment upon the Ai c , or conjugal tences, lome queltions concerning the practice

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duty, in vnich he has u!ed lome words ratrer L , , r , f , V . , ,. , , t he himfclfid.ibid. cliaite and delicate ears : but they allege whal .. , r ... ... o the know- uled to lay in his own vindication, that he came t , n , , that it was ledge of fo many monnrous things at ronfeflmn * . impoflible to avoid touching upon fuch queltic- ' rn f was certainly a man of a moU curious and inqui! , ....r ... . ught againit mind, whicn gave rife toother accufations I , w i ,r ^hcr* him : they fay, that he laboured to find OIK th ' acn ' ne itone; that he was a magician; and that he in , in the fliape of a man, which was an oracle u> ' know- plained all the difficulties he propofed. He lu ' ' . f c ; crcr ledae in the mathematics, and by his (km ; , r^o^blc o* mi.,!;: probably have formed a head, with ("inin^S ^j cu j K i