Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/186

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ALE S. that he was obliged to retire into Germany, where he became at length a perfect convert to the proteflant religion, and petfevered therein till his death. In the different parties which were formed, he fometirnes joined with thofe that were leaft orthodox ; for, in 1560, he maintained the doc- trine of (.itorge Major, concerning the neceifity of good works. The change of religion, which happened in Eng- land after the marriage of Henry VIII. with Anna Boleyn, induced Ales to go to London, in 1535 : he was highly eiteemed by Cranmer, archbifhqp of Canterbury, Latimer, and Thomas Cromwel, who were at that time in high favour with the king. Upon the fall of thefe favourites, he was obliged to return to Germany, where the elector of Branden- burgh appointed him prpfeffor of divinity at Francfort upon the Oder, in 1540. Two years afterwards he had a dif- pute there upon the queftion, " Whether the magistrate can and ought to punifh fornication ?" a-nd he maintained the af- firmative, with Melancthon. He was greatly oiTended at their not deciding this difpute; and perhaps his difcontent was the reafon of his quilting Francfort in a hurry ; and it is certain that the ccurt of Brandenhurgh complained of him, and wrote to the univerfity of Wittemberg to have him pu- iiillied. He retired to Leipfic ; and while he was there, he refufetl a profeflbr's chair, which Albert duke of Pruflia in- tended to erel at Koninfberg, and which was erected the year following. Soon after, he was chofen profeffor of divi- nity at Leipfic, and enjoyed it till his death, which happened on the iyth of March, 1565 [B]. were knov.-n to every body, knew that tions before the fynod. Jacob. Thoma- L,e him'c'lf -.vas lifted in ibis dil'ccurfe, fius in Oratione de Alefio. and irrj.nH that it was on purpofe to [B] The following aie the titles of

- pole him to the andierc:' ; he ihere- his principal works : i. " De nereffitate

fore rclolvtrd la zznz himleif the firft opportunity, and being informed that the. chapter was aliernbVtd io Ond com- plainis acainfl him to king fdrnes V. he repaired thither vith a bony of armed et merito bonorum operum, difputatio propofita in cclebri atademia Lipfica ad 29 Nov. 1560." 2. " Commen- tarii in evargelium Joannis, et in utramque tpiftolam ad Timotheurr..' and ordered them ro (eize Ale?, 3. " Hxpofnio in Pfalmos Davidis," xvho, with tha orher canons, was thrown 4. " De juftificatione, contra Ofian- into prilon. ' 'All the icit however Were ' drum." 5. " De faudla Trinitate, difchar^ed; but Aks was confined in " cum confutatione erroris Valentini." a duniifor, !<;r twenty days, and ;he pro- 6. " Refponlio ad triginta et duos arti Vofl reprcfented him to the bi/hop as a " culos theologorum Lovanienfmm." jnau who Iiad broached his heretical no- ALEXANDER the G RE AT, Icing of Macedon, hath Quin- tus Curtius, and Arrian, Plutarch, and Diodorus, for his hif- toxians 3 and if what they have faid of him be true 3 he may be deemed^