Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/189

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A L E X A N D E K. , , " b twixt me and the fun." The at vcic cxpclin^r>'i! i what r.-ffiUir.c:K would be fliewn to ' l> h.r. ; when Alexander ' I them bv I. :m', 4t i'uh'-tvc'v, n 1 " was not Aloxilixir,, I would In: Dm Having fettled the affairs of Greece, 1 ir Antip.itcr his viceroy in Macedonia, he palled the He:!ei'|'ont, n the third year or his reij n, with an army of no more than 30,000 foe:, and 4,500 horie ; and with thefe forces, brave ami ve- teran it is tru?, he overtimed the Fcifian empire. His hi It r, ..;., batrle was at the Granicus, a river of Phrygia, in whuh the 1 " ' " v<r - Peffians were routed. . <,;i:d was at lllus, a city of Ci- licia, where he was r.!fo victorious in an emii.enr degree : .' the camp of Darius, with his mother, wile, and children, fell into his hands ; and the humane and gcntrous t :it which he {hewed them, is jultly reckoned the nobleit and molt amiable paflage of his life. While he was in this coun- try, he caught a violent fever by bathing when hot, in the cold waters of the river Cydnus j and th s fever was in more violent from his impatience at being detained by it. The army was under trie utmoft confirmation, and m phy- fician durft undertake the cure. At length one Phil.p of Acarnan dcfired time to prepare a potion, which he was fure would cure him ; and while this potion was preparing, Al ander received a letter from his moft intimate confident Tar- menio, informing him, that this Acarnan was a tiaitor, and employed by Darius to poilbn him, at the price ot a thotu.iiul talents and his firter in marriage. What a lituarion f.>r a lick. prince ! The fame greatnefs of foul, however, which accom- panied him upon all occafions, did not forfake him here. HeCurtiut.tih. did not feem to his phyfkian under any apprehenfipns ; but, 1 " after receiving the cup into his hands, delivered the letc.r to Acarnan, and with eyes fixed upon him drank it oft. '1 h- medicine at firft aded fo powerfully, as to deprive him of fenfes, and then without doubt all concluded him poiiei however, he foon came round, and by a cure fo ipecdy, th it it might alrnoft be deemed miraculous, was relbred to his army fafe and found. It was at Anch^ala, a town of Cilicia, that he was Chewed a monument of Sardanapalus, with this inscription : *' S.u- " danapalus built Anchyala and Tarfus in a day: pallen^er, " eat, drink, and enjoy yourfelf: every thing elfe is nothi, This no doubt would move his contempt very flrongly, by being compared with what he projected. From Cilicui inarched forwards to Phoenicia, which all furrcndered to him, except Tyre ; and ic coil him a fiege of fevcn months to re- duce