Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/201

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A L E Y N. , famous victories of Crcfci and Poitfirn, (ihtair.r! by the Englifh in Kia'ice, under king Edward ill. nml hi< m.r- Ion the lj!.u:k 1'iince; they are written in ltanv,.is o} I; I caving Mr. Farnaby, he went into the family of Kl.vatd Sherburm-, cfq. to IK- tutor to hi:, l n; uli> fuci his lather as cleric of the ordnance, and was d!o O'nm:<!:'iry- genoral cf the artillery to kin<i Charles I. at the b;tr< Edgebill. The next piece which our;:u'hcr product . a poem in honour of king iknry VII. and ilm impor: battle which gained him the crown of England : it ,.uh- lifhed in 1638, u&der the title of " The Hiltoric of tint v " and fortunate prince Henri", of that Name the leveuth, " Kirg of Kngland; with that fa mid Battle fought ';

  • ' the (aid King Henry and Richard III. nau.c-d Crook-back,

" upon Rcdmore near Boi'wonh." There arc (Vvcral poetical eulogiums prefixed to this piece, aniupglt which is one by Edward Sherburne, his pupil. Btfidrs thefe th: ( there are in print fume little copies ot commendatory vciu-s afcrihed to him, and prefixed to the wor'^s wl uthir write! , paiticularly before the earlieft editions of Be.:umont and Fletcher's plays. In 1639, he publilhed the Hillory or" Ku- riaius and Lucretia : this was a tranfhticn : the ftory is to be found among the Latin epiftles of ^Eneas Sylvius. The j after he is faid to have died, and to have been buried in the parifh of St. Andrew's Holborn. ALFRED the GREAT, fee ALFRED. ALGAROTI (the COUNT), a celebrated Italian, was born at Padua; but the year is not mentioned. Led by cu- riofuy, as well as a defire of improvement, he travelled early into foreign countries; and was very young when he arrived in France in 1736. Here he compofed his "Newtonian

  • ' Philofophy for the Ladies," as Fontenelle had done his

Cartefian Altronomy, in the work intuuled, *' The Plurality " of worlds." He fell under the notice of the king of Pruflia, who gave him marks of the efleem he had for him. He died at Pil'a the 2jd of May, 1764, and ordered his own nnufo- leum, with this ir.fcription to be fixed upon it : " Hie j;icet

  • ' Algarotus fed non omnis," He is allowed to have been

a very great connoifleur in painting, fcutpture, avd architec- ture. He contributed much to the reformation of the Italian opera. His works, which are numerous, and u^on variety of fubjects, abound with vivacity, elegance, and wic : a collec- tion of them has lately been made, and printed at Leghorn. j i- ~4