Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/203

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A L L A T I U S. <c orJers [B]." If we chufe to tv]j ' r trl ' '.i- lius h.'.'l a v--i v .--traorilinarv JH-II, with b w, >te Cl; . k tor ,>|-;v '.e ,i ^ : .. . | ; ;ir . prizsJ, that wh'.n he loli ir, he .. , S1 |J fcarc6 (forbear crying. I U- pu'ni.c vrral translations of Greek .;ut!i rs, and fev own compofmg [cj. I:i hi, c:>. . io fliew more emdition than ji' ike frequent digielliohS from one iuij ^ to .^n-ther. .Mr. Sallo has cenfureJ him upon this account. T; ..or, al- ter having noted a lamenuticn of the V;; >in Mry, 19 .1 re- markable piece inferted in one of Allatius's work.. - on thus : " 1'his lamentation was cur.ipole.i by Metanhralt, ;MI " that was fnfficicnt for Allatius to infert a pain, ric I

  • ' Metaphralt, written by Plellus. As Metaph:
  • ' was Simeon, he took an opportunity from theme of

'* making a long difiertation upon the ln/e., anJ works of " fuch celebrated men as had borne the fjme name. From '* the Simeons he pafles to the Simons, from than to the " Simonidefes, and laftly to the SimonacliJes." Allatius died at Rome in 1669, a^ed 82. He wrote fevera) Greek poems, one upon the birth ot Lewis XIV. in which he in- troduces Greece fpeaking ; he printed this poem, and prefix- ed it to his book " Ue pcrpctua con.enlioae," which he de- dicated co this prince. [B]" Thush? pa(Tedhis whole life," 12. " Sallunii philof.iphi orufculum, de fays Mr EajL-, " wavering betwixt a " ci ; s tt rri; I ;. I)e ( i 4 pari.h sn! a wife j ibrry perhaps at " Homeri." 14. " 1'.. la Bj! D in. ' his death for having chofe neatier of " de fepfem oibis (>i. i;. ' them: but had he fixed upon either, " Extiri.-ta va u Craicurum ' he might perhaps havs rrpented his " run et rhetorum." 16. ' De hbris choice for thirty or forty years to- " ecclcfult. Gacorum." " De " rnrn'.ura , temporum [cj M,.reri mentions the following 18. " De Eccl-lia-^ occ. books p:ib!ifned by Allatius; i. " Ca- " oriental!* pcrpetuS con . ' ic. " tenaSS. Patrum in Jeremiam." z. O:::.u-:ox Grx .1- ripl n ' Euflatbius Antioclienus in hexame- vcl. u. ' Sv;i-irni:"t.^?." zi. "

ron,et de ei gallrinivtho." -}."Mn- " dici^ lynodi r phflinar." ;

" numentumAdulitmuniPtolomailll." "opera." aj. " Appendix ad op- 4. " Confufatio fabul.e de Joanna pi- " Aufelmi." 24. " CVn.^;v.i- " piffi." 5. " Lib^nii orationes." 6. " r.uni ch:iftian.uum Af:a.-, .:.-u*, et Apes Urbani." 7. " De J'lellis.'" " Eiuop.e, in fide cati'."lica." g. " De Ceorgiu." 9. " De Simconi- De octva fynodo Photii." s6.

  • ' bus. 10. " I'roc.i Diadochi para- " iiiteil'.'niis Grstrorum id or>

phiafis in Ptole T ai hb. iv." II. 27. De templi OnBCOrB." ds, Antiiihenis, &c. epiftols." ALLEN (THOMAS), a famous mathematician, born Uttoxeter, in Suffordfhirc, 1542, was admitted kholar of M 4 Trinity