Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/207

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A T, I, E S T U Y. 171 folicited to undertake ihejo< ".'nich he nrrordin did; and having attended t'.u- ;:,n .it I'.p.m, ,u,,l ; dilpatchcs, returned to hn. : . In 1059, he ve:it < again to his m jifty in Fl n ; but upon Ins icturn d at Dover by a party of Co! l.c h.. however, to fcrnrc hio letters, by cor. t!u;n (<> .1 : h.'U'l, The foldiers guarded him to London, where he .;ined by a con,m,u>:e of the cmim i! ql , and . prifoner to Lambeth houfe. vv'icrj he contracted a dangerous licknefs. Af;cr fix cr eight v. C was let at liberty: and ^his enlargement was p the fpeit of an approaching revolution $ (>! Co the republican party, feeing a teiulenry towards his majei refloration, wete Willing by kindnefTes to recommend felvcsto the royal party, in cafe things fhouli tr.lco that turn. Soon after the reiteration, Mr. Alleftry was made a , >u of Chrift-church : at the fame time he undertook one of the. ktfureftlips of the city of Oxford, but never received any part of the falary, for he ordered it to be diftribtited am the poor. In October 1060, he took the degree of docior of divinity, and was appointed one of the kings's chaplains in ordinary, and f.on after regius profellor of divinity. In 1665, he was made proved of" Eton college. In 1679, find- ing his health and fight much impiirtd, he refigned his pro- feHbrlhip of divinity to Dr. j And now the decay of his conltitution terminating in a droply, he removed to L'-n- don. to have the advice of phyficians ; but medicines proving ineffectual, he died in January 1680, and was buried in Eton chapel, where a marble monument, with a Latin infcription, was creeled to his memory. There are extant forty fermons of Dr. Alleftry 's, whereof the greatdt part were preached before the king, upon folemn occalions. Mr. Wood likewifes mentions a (mali trad writ- ten by him, intituh-d, " I 'he Privileges of the Univerfity of Oxford in point of Vifitation," in a Letter to an honourable Perfonage. ALLESTR.Y (JACOB), an Enalifh poet of the bft ccn- v - tury. He was the fon of James AHeftry, a bookfcll; London, who was ruined by the great fire in i6':6. .: was educated at Weftminiler fchool, and entered at Chni church, Oxford, in the aa-term 1671, at the ape of 18, and was eleaed ftudent in 1672. He took the degree in arts ; was mufic-reader in 1679, and fiiius in 1681, both which offices he executed with great jpplaule, bei^ cft( cJ