Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/211

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A L L E Y N. 175- plied with, and he obtained the royal licence, giving him full power to iay his foundation, by his majcfly's letters patent, bearing date the 2ift of June, 1619; by virtue whereof he ilil, in the chapel of the faid new hofpital at Dulwich, called " The College of God's Gift," on the 131!! of September following, publicly read and publifhed a quadripartite writing in parchment, whereby he created and eltablifhed the faid Ibid. p. 765, college ; he then fubfcribed it with his name, and fixed his feal to leveral parts thereof, in prefcnce of fevera! honourable perfons, and ordered copies of the wriiinirs to four different parifhes [c]. He was himfelf the fir ft mafter of his college, fo that to make ufe of the words of Mr. Hay wood, one of his contemporaries, " Us wa-- fo mingled with humility and ' charity, that he became his own penfioner, humbly fub- fc] Thofe hcnourab'e perfons were Fiancis lord Vcrulam, lord chancellor; Thomas earl of Arundel, eail mar!hal of England ; fir EKv.iid Cecil, ft-cond fon to the earl of Exeter $ fir John How- land, high IberifFof Suflex and Suny ; fir Edward Bowyer, of Camber>*ell 5 ir Thomas Grymes, of Peckham ; fjr John Bodly, of Streth-im ; fir John TonHa), of Carfhnlten ; and divers other perfons of great worth and relprft. 1 he pariftes in which the faid writings were depoiited, were St. k Botolph's without Biwops-gate, St. Giles's without Cripple- gate, St. Saviour's in Southward, and the pari/h of Camberwell in Surry. The contents or heads of the faid flatuses, or quadripartite writings containing -the l.:vs and rules of this foundation, are as fculovv i i. A recital of king James's letters patent. 2. Reciral of the four... dei's deed quadripartite. 3. Ordina- tion of the mafter, warden, &c, 4. Or- dination of the aflytant i.iembers, &c. 5. The mafter and warden to be un- married, a/id always to be of the name of Alleyn or Allen. 6. The mafter and warden to be twenty-one yejrs of age at leafr. 7. Of what degree the fellows to be. 8. Of what degree the poor brothers and fitters to b^. 9, Of what condition the poor fcholars are to be. 10. Of what pariihes the afliftants are to fee. u, From what parifhes the poor are to be chofen, and the members of this college. 12. The fori.ii of their elcciion. 13. The warden tofucply v. lien the imfter's place is vohi. 14. The election of t!.e warden. 15. The warden to be bound by reco^nizafice, aO. Tue arccn (a prcvide a ("inner for the college upon }ta eledtion. 17. The form cf aHmit"ng the fellows. 18. The manner of tic cl- ing the fcholars. 19. Elel:on of the poor of Camberwell. 20. The mafter and warden's oath. 21 The fellows oath. 22. The poor brothers and fifh-rs oath. 23. The afftftants oath. 24. The pronunciation of adrruffien. 25. The matter's office. 26. The warden's office. 27. The fellows office. 2?. The poor brothers and fiflers ofTite. 29. That of the matron of the poor fcholars. 30. The porter's office. 31. Thetfike of the thirty members. 32. Of refi- dence. 33. Orders of the poor and their floods. 34. Of Obedience, jc, Orderi for ihe chap;l and burial. 36. Orders for the fchool and fcholars, and putting tbtm forth apprentices. 37. Order of diet. 38. The fcholars lYirp'ices and coat?. 39. Tirre for viewing expences. 40. Public audit and private futinj c"ay. 41. Audit and fitting chamber. 42. Of lodgings. 43. Orders for the lands and woods. 44. Allowance to the mafter and warden of diet for one mnn a piece, with the number and wages of the col- lege fervants. 45. Difpofition and divj- fion of the revenufF. 46, Difpofition of the rent of the EUie-houfe. 47. The poor to he aHmitted out of oiher pljces, in cafe of deficiency in the candies p'e- fciibed, 48. The difpofition or' for- feitures. 49. The ftatutes to be rs?d over four ieveral times in the year. 50. The difpcliticns of certain tenements in St. Saviour's ^zrfii Soutbwaik. L";owe'n " mittinfj