Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/213

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A L L I X. 177 He wrote in Englifh fevenl treatifcs relating to ccclefiaHical hiflory, which proved very ulel'ul to the protcflant caufc ; and in a {hort time became as famous in England as ru- had been in France, for his ingenious and folid defences of the reformed religion. He died at London, Feb. 21, 1717) in the feventy-lixth year of his age. His works are very numerous and entirely theological. The molt ufeful of them perhaps is, " The Reflections upon " the books of Holy Scripture, to eftablifh the truth of the " Chriftian Religion," publifhcd at London, 1688, in two vols. 8vo. This is the treatife that was dedicated to king James. Healfo publifhed, in 1690, " Some Remarks upon " the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of the ancient Churches of Pied- " mont/' 410. He dedicates this woik to king William, and pays him very high compliments on his zeal tor the Pro- teftant Religion : " to fupport and defend which," he tells him, " God had raifed his majetty up in that critical con- ' juncture." ALMELOVEEN, (THEODORUS JANSONIUS AB), a learned man, whofe name ought to be prelerved for the fervices he hath done to good letters^ was profeflbr of the Greek language, of hiftcry, and of phyfic, at Harderwiclc in Holland. He hath written notes upon fomc of the ancient authors, and among the reft hath given an edi- tion of Celfus, He was the author of feveral other works, the chief of which are, i."De vitis Stephanorum." 2. N r (luV " Onomafticon rerum inventarum." 3. " Amcenitate8.'*Hift. 4. FaftiConfulares," &c. He died at Amfterdamia 1742. '774 ALPHONSUS. See CASTILE. ALPINI (PROSPERO)^ a famous phvfician and bntanifr, born the 23d of November, 1553, at Maroftica, in the re- public of Venice. In his earl/ ye;irs he was inclined to the profefTton of arms, and accordingly ferved in the Milanefej but being at length perfuaded by his father, who was a phv- fician, to apply himfelf to learning, he wen: to Padua, where in a little time he was chofen deputy to the redtor, and fyndic to the ftudents, which offices he difcharged with great pru- dence and addrefs. This, however, did not hinder him from '^ ?.' purfuing his Itudy of phyfic, for he was admitted doctor p> ^^ thereof in 1578. Nor did he remain long without pr:-.dice, for he was foon after invited to Campo San Pietro, a little town in the territories of Padua. But fuch a fituation was VOL. I. N too