Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/215

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A r. P i N i. 179 m non fine J r ' < oc- cull lit." Vc-

3. ' in quo ve- . "car, " pier j.incorum " medicorum c.c il'.i, Vi'nii c, 4. ' . et mrrte vii. HI i 'ii'.-us ars " tota Hypu ; gratis ' . x vtr- " teruni mf.i. i n u. :, turn ex " 1 ii. i j nova ' in- it." Venic , )6yi, to. The writers of the " Afta enidi'-oriim" at Lei pile Jr* "i opinion, that ilr- bell .ok which ns can read, in order to qn.ilif'y the 11 r.jr the / or phyfic. We a:c nor altogether of

however flu'! c< rri-nt ur-

vi n observing, that'll^ pr- Ijji-it npin th.- liviir.' li tirnts fhoiii.i re exsrciled, in 'he vjy of communication at ]"afyj with woniirf: i refine and cau'i.inj .'nice it is notori- ous, thjt the wanr of prudence in this regatJ hath occdllorif-^ m :ny an eminent phifician to loolc ciuc!Tii.Ij final], as is fdid. m-licin3 rrethriHu > } n ndi ars " thddn I . " quj; I i. on fine n. " fo.utn pl:p.c- " uir. .. , - i i ' ' qujdjntcii. ; " cam conformatur." 1 : . .1 .1, 161 1, lu- lio ; Lcyi'- n, 1719. qn 6, " l)e n. utatio in " jjVT.iiii'i.i I'.H.IV rm lu'jya, in qua " r.iplion'ici planta. qaam h.^flenus " n'.il.i - mt'i'.i'-'in.-f ob " ocu'cs ponitur, iufni (]ur COgnitin :-r- ' : ruratius expeniiituratque proi ^nitur. P-idu.i, 16 iz, -fJ ifitg. qu 7. ' : ;tis t-x.'ticis liSri duo." V. n:c", 1699, in oiur;o. This wor!-. was not put lidied, till about tv. e!ve years afrr the cffarh of thtf author, L/ his fi.n A!,)iho Alpi"5. Aloini ieli icveral other . <:h have never been printed, pariicu- larly, i, " De medicina /Bgyptiorum liber " quints." a. " De na!u-oli rerum in A'. '* obfervatarum hi"oria l : bri v. variis " pkntarurn, lapidurtij et anin^alitim " icoriibus exornati." ALREDUS, ALT^EDUS, or ALUREDUS, an ancient rits, te ;f- lilh hidni-an, was born at Be v^rlcy in Vcrkfhire, and ' '^ r - An 6- ic. civeJ his at Cnmbiidj;e. He returned after- 2 "' pt ' r * wards to t'ne place of his nativity, where he 1 a fecular prL' J , one of the canons, and treafurer to the church cJcdicated to St. John of ] . v- AccorcMng to i^a'c and Pit>, he^'yid. flouiifhal under kii.i_j; Sccph.'.-r-,, and continued h'S annals to the OM i J 36. Voflius is fuppofed to c:nne nearer the truth, vho tells us that he rlourifp.ed in the reign of Henry 1. ai^d ilied in 1 126, in which fame year ended his annals. His hif- tbry, hou'cver, agrees with none of thefe authors; and it frems y, ffiu? r> c pp.-bnbie fioni tnence, that be died in 1128 or IC/Q. Hein-Ri'i. i.jt. t' 'u'ed at fiift no more than an abridgment of the hiitr.ry c-[- cdit l6 74 the ancient Britons ; but a dclre of purTLiing tl:t- thread of his ftorv led him to add the Ssxon, and then the Norman hifcory, and a: length he brought it down to his own times. This epitome of our hiflory from Hrulus to Henry I. is efteemcd a valuable performance ; it is written in Latin, in a dbhcife aiji'd cie^ant ftyle, with great perfpicuity, and a ftrivlt attentijn to dates and authorities : the author has been not N 2 improperly