Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/227

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A M A M A. 191 he recotfi mended Co carnd'iv, fume i'-m^N, I".!:^ in- fluenced by his rei'.'o' , iul <ittei! into the- miniitrv, but iiu.h ;is had >( the Hebre - luck. uxt <! ti.' cure. V IK.-M : nus came to Franeker, drunkennefs and < { in thai umverfuy to a very gieat tu^iee : lie tells u . .!! the.ncw ftudents were immediately enrolled in th-.- femcc Bacchus, and obliged to (w.-.-:r, with certain cererrome^, ! a wooden ilatue of St. Stephen, that they would fpcml all their money: ii ary to the oath he ha 1 taken to the reclor of the imiverfity than to this [>acch;inalic.r oath, he was lo p rllcured nher liudchts that lie was obliged either to leave the univi lii'y, or c"iii[) : y v/ith the reic. Sixtiniis contributed gr^ariy to root out this vice, ;ind he in- vci;;h<d a^aiult it with ^:reat energy in a public !; cc'n in;-. in 1621. lie Co n-.s^li beloved by the people of Friei- land, that after his death, which happened in 167.0, th ftewed themfelves very gei-.erous to his children ; as NIC. .si... Amarna, who was one of them, acknov!e_;ct, in the cuiil. - dedicatory to his " Diflcrtationum marinaiuii) dccas." AM AND (MARK-ANTHONV-GERARD, fieur de St.), a French po-Jt, was born at Roan in Normandy i!i"i5g^. In the epifUe dedicatory to the third part of his wok?, he tells us, his father commanded a fquadron of ihips in the lervice of Elizabeth queen of England for two- and- twenty years, and that he w:'s for three years in the Bla^ k Tower at Conftantinople. He mentions alfo, th.u two brothers of his had been killed in an engagement the Turks. His own life was fpent in a continual fuccellion cf travels, which was cf no advantage to his fortune. There are mifcellaneous poems of this author, the greateit part oi which are of the comic or hurlefq'ie, and the amorous kind. The firft volume was printed at P.;ris in 1627, the fecond i;i 1643, and thethiid in 1649 : they have been reprinted feve- ral times. " Solitude, an ode, which is one of the fitlt of them, is his bed piece in the opinion of Mr. Boileau.R.n -. cr>. Though there are many blemifhe? in his poems, yet he had'"' i.on&n. the talent of reading them in fo agreeable a manner, that every one wars charmed with them. In 1650, he publiihed

  • ' Stances fur la grolTefTe de la rcinede Polegne etde Suede."

There are iix ftanaas of nine verfes e;ich. In 1653, lie piinted his " Moile f'auve, idyle heroique." This pec 1:1 !,..d at firft many admirers : monlieur Chapelain called it a (peak- ing picture; but it has fmce fallen into contempt. Amand Pucellc< vvioie 8