Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/233

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A M E L O T. 197 were three memorials picfented to have it fupprtfTcd.i t >;d- When the fecond edition of this tran/Lti.m v as |,uhlilhcd, it ' 1 ' ' was violently attacked bv the abbe Sr. Rc.J, in a Lticr he P< wrote to Mr. Bayle, dated October 17, 1085: A mcLt de- fended himfelf, in a lettc-r to the fame gentleman. In i 6 '4, he printed, at Paris, a French tranflation of B;iltafar Grecian's Oraculo manual, with the title of " 1'Homrne Je Cour." In his preface he defends Gracian againft father Bohours' Cri- tique, and tells us why he afcribes this book to Bahafar and not to Laurence Gracian. He alfo mentions that he hath altered the title, becaufe it appeared too oftcntatious an hy- perbolical ; that of " 1'Homme de Cour," the Courtier, being more proper to exprefs the fubjec~t of the book, which contains a collection of the fineft maxims for regulating a court-lite. In 1686, he printed tc La Morale de Tacite de la flaterie:" in which work he collected feveral particular fails and maxims, which reprelent in a itrcng light the artifices of court-flat- terers, and the rr.ifchievous effecT: of their poifonous dif- courfcs. In 1690, he publifhed at Paris a French tranflationDifVourOs of the raft fix books of " Tacitus's Annals," with his nifto-P^*"^ to rical and political remarks, fome of which, according to Mr.^j l . rannat> Gordon, are pertinent and uftful, but many of them infipiddifc. i'hji*. and trifling. Amelot having employed his pen for feveral P-*8. years on hitlorical and political fubjects, began now to try his genius on religious matters; and, in 1697, printed at Paris a tranflation of Palafox's " Theological and moral Ho- milies upon the Paffion of our Lord." Frederic Leonard, a bookfeller ?c Paris, having propofed, in the year 1692, to print a colieclion of all the treaties of peace betwren the kings of France and all the other princes of Europe, fince the reign of Charles VJI. to the year 1690, Arn lot publilhed a fmall volume in duodtcimo, containing a preliminary dif- courfe upon ihefe treatises ; wherein he endeavours t;> fhew, that moft princes, when tney enter into Q t;eaty, think more how to evade, than hosv to puform, the terms they fuhfcribe to. He published allo an edition of cardinal cl'Oflat's Let- ters in -1697, with ftveral obfervaiions of his own ; which, as he tells us in his adveftif: j nient, may ferve as a fupplrment to the hiftoiy of ihe reigns of Henry 111. and Henry 1'. km;>s of France. Amelot died at Paris in 1706, teinr then ahncit / ^ leventy- three years of age. AMELOT (DENis). a celebrated French w:iter, v.'s born at Saintonge in 1606. He maintained a (.i:iie cone- ipondence with the Uthers of the Oiatoiy, a cun.;;fi;a:i.;n of O