Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/241

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A M M 1 R A T O. 205 to Rome, where he procured a "j-.v.t manv friends ; and having tr.uellcd over p ut of Italy, vifited Florence, where he was rclolved to fettle, being; c-ngj^'-'d by the kind reception which the grand duke gave to men of letters. He was ap- pointed to ivrite the hiltory of Fl.>rence, and received many mf'ances of that prince's bounty, which was mcrea'cd alter his work was published, for he was pteiuri ;! with a canonrv in the cathedral of Florence. The e.ify lunation in which he was now placed, gave him an opportunity of applying him- ;i,;,i. lelf more vigoroufly to his ftudies, and writing the Created part of the works we have or him [A]. He died nt Flo- rence the 30th of January, 1600, in the 6gth year of his age. [A] His woiks arc as follow: I. " l-rro ft floru della famiglia de Contl ' Argument?, in It-ilian vetfc, of (he " GoU.i, coll' agiunte de Scipicne " Cantos of Ar olio's Grlam'o Fu- " Arnmirato giov-jne." Florence, 1640. ' liofo," which were lint pub! lh-<i in anJ 1650. 8. " Delle Faro gl.e Fiu- the cditinn of that poem at Venke, in " ren:inc, Floience, 1615," tolio. g. 154", in quarto, i. " I! DtJahone 4i Vcfcovi Je Ficfoli di Volterra, e d' " dialogo del poetj, N .pies, 1^60" " Arrzzo, con i'ag'jiunta di Sc-pien oftji'o. 3. ' Iftorie Fioierit'ne <irpo 1* " Ammirato il giovanr, Florence, " i)fndatione di Firrenze mfino aT anno " 1637," quartr. 10. " Opufcoli ' 1574." Printed at Fl,>ren e, 1600, " varii, Florence, i 583," in octavo it. in two volumes tolio. 4. " Difc.ufi *' Rin.e vane." Krmted i:i a collection " fopra Cornclio T,icito. Di/c-mlrs of potirs bv different authors, Venice, " upon Cornelius Tacitus, Florence, 1 5 ^3, in cftivo. iz. " Poe.'ie fprituali. 1598." qunrto. 5. " Del!e f.m ig ' Napollonr." Part I. at Flo- rence, 1580, in folio i part II. at Fl->- rence, 1651, folio. 6. " Difcord . rile " Famighe Paljdina et I'Ancoglietta," Florence, i6oj, in quarto. 7. " Al- Venice, 1634," in quarti). 13. Annotizioiji fupra la frconda parte dc Sonetti oi Bernardino Rota fatti in rro-te di Por/n C?pece fua moglia, Naples, i j6o," in quarto. AMMONIUS (ANDREW), a native of Lucca, who came and fettled in England. Me lived feme time in fir Thomas More's houfe, and after -.yards in St. Thomas's college ; fo he was not in circurnftances fufficient to liire or keep a houfeEp'ft.ii. of his own. There fubfi lied a ftrong friendLhip and clo(e libl |- correfpondence betwixt him and Erat'inus. The advice which Erafmus gives him, in regard to pufhing his fortune, has a good 'kal of humour in it, and was certainly intended as a fatire en the artful methods generally prafiifed by the fe'rlfh and ambitious part of mankind : " In the firft place," fays he, " throw off all 1'enfe of (hame; thruft yourfelf into every '* one's bufinels, and elbow out whomfoever you can ; nci- ' ther love nor hate any one; meafure every thing by your " own advantage; let this be the fcope and drift of all

  • your aciiuns. Give nothing but what is to be returned
