Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/270

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234 A N D R E I N I. She died of a mifcarriage, at Lyons, the roth of June, 1604, in the forty-fecond year of her age. Her hufband, Francis Andreini, had her interred in the fame city, and ho- noured her with the following epitaph : '* Ifabclla AndreinaPatavina, mulier magna virtute praedita, honeiiatis ornamt.ntum, tttaritalifque pu<Jicitiae decus, ore tacund.i, rnente fcecunda, religiola, pia, Mulls arnica, tt

inis fcer.icae caput, hie refurre&ionem expectat.

Ob abortijm obiit iv Iti. Junii, MECIV. annum agens XLII. trancifcus Audrinus rnoeftifiiHiiHi poiuit. The death of this aclrefs being a rr.:itter of general con- cern and lamentation, there were many Latin and Italian ele- gies printed to her memory; feveral of which were prefixed 10 her poems in the edition of Milan, in 1605. Befides fonnets, madrigals, fangs, and eclogues, there is a paftoral of hers intitltd '* Mirtilla," and letters, punted at Venice in i6*o. bhe fung extremely well, and played admirably on fc-veral inftruments ; nor was (he unacquainted with philofophv, and Hie underftood the French and Spaniih languages. /if?r.ixviii. ANDRELINUS (Pusnus FAUSTUS) born at Forli in cent. c. Jtaiv. He was a lone time profeflbr of poetry and philofophv chiliad. 2. r en- I vti c c i in me univeriity of raris : l^ewis AH. or r ranee made hnn his poet laureate ; and Erafmus tells us he was likewife poet to the queen. His pen was not wholly employed in making GMner. verfes ; for he wrote allo moral and proverbial letters in Bibiioth. profe, of which there is an edition printed at Strafburg in 1571, and another reviled by ihe author in 1519. Beatus Rhcnanus added a preface to them, wherein he commends the epirtlcs " as learned, witty, and ufeful ; for though," fays he, " this author, in forr.e of his work?, after ihe man-

  • 4 ner of poets, is a litt'e too loofe and wan:on, yet here he
  • ' appears like a modell and elegant orator." John Arbo-

reus, a divine of Paris, wrote comments upon them. An- drelinus wrote alfo feveral poetical difjichs in Latin, which were printed with a commentary by Jofle B.idius Alcenllus, and translated verfe for verfe into F.encn by one Stt-pluMi Hrive. John Paradin had before tranfUted imo French ilanzas of four verfee, an hundred diCichs, which Andrelinus had ad- drefieci to John Ruze, treafurer general of the finances of king Charles III. in order to thank him for a coniitkrable pen- lion. The