Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/274

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ANDREWS. " Ktl Cireffi. '* learning enough for the beft of them to exprefs ; his u judgment, in the mean time, fo commanding over both, " as that neither of them was fuffered idiy or curioufly to " (tart from or fall (hort of their intended fcope : fo that we may better fay of him, than was fometimes faid of Clau- fa us Drufus, * He vas of 23 many and as great virtues^ '-K as mortal nature could receive, or induftry make perfect." Behdes the " Tortura Torti," already mentioned, bifhop Andrews publifhed " A Manual of private Devotions and

  • ' Meditations for every Day in the Week;" and ' A Ma-

' nual of Directions for the Violation of the Sick:" there were likewife feveral fermons and traits in Knglifo and Latin of his, pubhfhcd after his death [A]. He had a (hare in the translation of the Pentateuch, and the hiftorical books from Jofliua to the firft Book of Chronicles exciufively. " " "

  • '

?. [A] i. " Refpanfio ad Apologiam czrcliiialis Belljnnini quam nuper edi- dit contra Piaf fationem rhonitoriarn fereniiTin-.i ac potentilTimi principis Jacobi, ffc. omnibuf Ch'iftianis mo- iiorchis principihu? jtquecrJinibusin- fcriptam." 2- l< Tcrtura Torti." 3. C'oncio ad clerum> pro graciu doflo- ris." 4. " Concio ad clerum, in lynodo provincial! C.ntuaricnli? pro- vinciis, ac divi Pauli." 5. "Concio Latina habiia corain regu majellats (]Tlinto Augulti, 1606, inaulaGren- vici, quo tempore vsnerat in Ang- liam icgem noftrum mvilurus fere- nilliinus potentiffirntilqne prir.ceps Chriftianus IV.; ct Norvcgia? tt-x." 6, " Concio Litina habita co- r^m r-eia majcftate d^cimo tertio Aprilis, 1613, inauia Gicnvici, quo tempore cum lefti;limi fua conjuge difcellurus erat gcner regis rerni!?i- nms potentilii mn I'que priiiceps F;cde- ricus comes Palatinns ad Riietium." " Qaeflionis, nunquii' per jus divinnm inigiftratui Jiceat a reo jusjurandum exigere f tt id qjatenus et quoufque liccat ? tht'olngica deierminatio ha. bila in pu'jlica fchola theologies C.-n- fah'ij;!:-e, menle Julii, anni 1591." De uiuri, theologfca determ'nario hab;ta in pnbhra Ichola theologica Cantabrigiac.' 1 g. " De decinois, " theologica determinatiohabita in pub- " l:ca ichola theologica Cantabrigi-e." 30. Refponfioues ad Petri Molinaet " Epiftoias tres, una cum Xfoiina;! Epi* " flolis." II. " Stritturs; or, A brief " Anfwer to the eighteenth Chapter of r the firft Book of Cardinal Perron's ' Reply," &c. ii. " An Anfwer to ' the twentieth Chap, of Cardinal Per- ' ron's Reply," &c. 13. " A Speech ' delivered in the Star-chambsr againlt ' the two J'idaical Opinions of Mr< { Trafhe. 14. " A Speech dflivereo in " the Star chamber, concerning vows, " in the Countefs of Shrewfbuiy's " Cafe." Thefe pieces were printe. 1 at Lcndijn, after the author's dsatlj, by Fe- lix Kyngft'.n, in quarto, 16,19. an 1 de- dicated en king Charles I. by the bifhops of London and Ely. BefiJes which th;re are extant of his, 15. " The moral Law " expounded, or, Lectures on the Ten " Commandments j .whereunto is an- " nex.ej nineteen Sermons up -n Prayer " in general, and upon the Lore's " Prayer in particular. Published by ' John Jackfon, and dedicated to the " parliament, London, 1643, folio." 1 6, " Avrsjirao-jUalts facra } or, A Col- " leiftirn of poilhumous and orphan " Le:lures delivered af St. Paul's and " St. Gin-s's Ciipple-gate church, Lon- don, 1657," folio. ANELLO (THOMAS), vulgarly called MafTaniello, was $ fiflieiman of Naples, born in 1^23. The kingdom of Na- ples was fubjeJt to the houfe of Auftria, and governed by a 8 viceroy*