Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/282

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246 A N G L U S. 38 we have mentioned he was much embarrafTed, and by giv^ ing too great fcope to his own thoughts, he pleafed neither the MoliniUs nor Janfenifts. He is allowed, however, to have been a man of an extenfive and penetrating genius ; but having no talent at diftinguifhing the ideas, which fhould have ferved as the rule and foundation of his reafoning, he could not clear up the difficulties wherein he involved hirnfelf. On the loth of June, 1658, the congregation of the Index expurgatorius at Rome condemned fome treatifes of Thomas Anglus [B]. The doctors of Douay cenfured alfo two-and- twenty propofitions extradted from his Sacred Inftitutions. He publifhed his " Supplicatio poftulativa juttitiae." in oppo- fition to their cenfure, wherein he complains that they had given him a vague undetermined cenfure, without taxing any particular proportion. Kedied foms time after the reltora- tion of Charles II. but in what year is uncertain. f B] The decree of this congregation father Macedon. Beiides the pieces condemns the four fpllowing treatifes, which we have mentioned of Anglos, viz. I. " Inftitutiones peripatetica"." we have alfo his " Statera morum," and 2. '< Appendix theologica dc orjginc his '.rcatife " De medio animarum fla- " munai." 3. " Tabula fuffrdgialis < tu ;" and Mr. Bayle fays he had been ' de terminandis fidei litibus ab ecclefia infi.rmed, that he wrote alln a ' De- " catholica fixa." 4. " Tcflcraj Ro- " f?nce of the Doarme of (lie Chuuh " manje evulgatio." The two laft ' ot' England, concerning paffive Obe- pieceE were published againA the famous " dience." ANNAT (FRANCIS), confeflbr to Lewis XTV. born at Rouergue, in 1590. He became a Jefuitin 1607, and profcflcd the fourth vow in 1624. He taught philofophy at Toulouia iix years, and divinity feven ; and having discharged his duty in each of thefe capacities with great applaufe, he was invited to Rome, to acl; as cenfor-general of the books publifhrd by the Jefuits, and theologitt to the general of the fociety. Upon his return to his own province, he was appointed reclor of the college of Montpellier and of Touloufe. He ailifted as deputy of his province at the eighth congregation general of the Jeiuits held at Rome in 1645, where he diftinguifhed him- felf in fuch a manner, that father Vincent Cat -affa, general of the Jefuits, thought no perfon more fit to difcharge the office of afliftant of France, which had been vacant for fome time. The ninth congregation general gave him the fame poft, under Francis Picolimini general of the fociety, upon whofe death he was made provincial of the province of France. Whilft he was engaged in this employment, he was chofen confeflbr to his moft Chriftian majefty in 1654 ; and after having difcharged this office fix teen years, he was ob-