Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/293

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A N S O N. 257 ANSON (GEORGE) Lord, whole merit as n naval com- mander railed him to the rank of nobility, was the Ton of William Anfrn, Kfq; of Huckborough, a very ancient and worthy family in Stafford (hi re. DifcoVering an early pafllon lor naval glory, and taking the grcatctt delight in reading and hearing the Itories of our molt diftingtiifhed voyagers and ad- mirals, his father gave him an education fuita'ole to his ge- nius; and in 1722 he was made captain of the Wcazle floop, and the year following of the Scarborough man of war; in which ftation he behaved with the grcateft intrepidity and valour. On the breaking out of the Spanifh war, he was appoint- ed to command a fleet of five {hips deltined to annoy the enemy in that dangerous and unfrequented fen, which lies beyond America, and in that unexpected quarter to attack them wich vigour. His departure being unaccountably de- layed fome months beyond the proper feafon, he failed about the middle of September 1740 ; and about the vernal equinox, in the moft tempeftuuus weather, arrived in the latitude of Cape Horn. He doubled that dangerous cape in March, 1741, after a bad pafTage of 40 days, in which he loft two fhips, and by the fcurvy four or five men in a day. He ar- rived off Juan Fernandes in June, with only two fhips, be- fides two attendants on the fquadron, and 335 men. He left it in September, took fome prizes, and burnt Paita ; and itaid about the coaft of America till May 1742. He then crofled the fouthern ocean, proceeding with the Centurion only, the other fhips having been deftroyed in Auguft. Having refrefhed his crew at Tinian, he failed in October for China ; {taid there till the beginning of 1/43; waited for the galleon at the Philippine iflands, met her on the 20th of June, and took her. Having fold the prize in China, he fet fail for England, December 1743, and on the Ijthof June 1744, arrived at Spithead, having failed in a fog through the midft of a French fleet then cruifmg in the chan- nel. Soon after his return, he was appointed rear admiral of the blue; and one of the lords of the admiralty, in April 1745 he was made rear admiral of the white, and in July 1740, vice admiral of the blue. He was alfo chofen to re- prefent the borough of Heydun in parliament. Trut winter he commanded the channel fquadron in a long and lempeHu- ous cruize. The following fummer, being then on board the Prince George of ninety guns, in company with adnr.ral Warren and twelve fhips more, he interrupted cri Cape Pi- VOL. I. S niftcrre