Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/298

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262 A N T O N I D E S. Ibid. died on the iSth of September, 1684. He is efieemed the moft eminent Dutch poet, after Vondel, whom he ftudied to imitate, and is thought to have excelled in fweetnefs of expreflion and fmoothnefs of ftyle, but in accuracy and lofti- nefs h: is greatly inferior to his original. His works have been printed feveral times, having been collected by his father Anthony Tanfi. The laft edition was printed by Nicholas Ten Hoom, at Amfterdam, in the year 1714, in quarto, under the direction of David Van Hoogftraaten, one of the matters of the Latin fchool of that city, who added to it alfo the life of the poet. ANTONINUS PHILOSOPHUS (MARCUS AURELIUS), the Roman emj>cror, born at Rome, the 26th of April, in the I2ift year uf the ChrilHan a>ra. He was called by feveral names [A], till he was admitted into the Aurelian family, when he took that of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Hadrian, upon the de^th cf Cejonius Commodus, turned his eyes upon Marcus Aureliiis ; but as he was not then eighteen years of Titlemont age, and confeqiuently too young for fo important a flation, Hjftoire des n fj xe d upon Antoninus Pius, whom he adopted, on condi- lormii," S> t' 011 tnat ne fhould likewife adopt Marcus Aurelius. The P. 559. year after this adoption, Hadrian appointed him quseftor, edit. ade. though he had rot yet a'tained the age prescribed by the 1711. laws. After the death of Hadrian, Aurelius married Faufti- na, the daughter of Antoninus Pius, by whcm he had feveral children. In 139, he was inverted with new honours by the emperor Pius, in which he behaved in fuch a manner, as endeared him to that prince and the whole people. Upon the death of Pius, which happened in the year 161, he was obliged by the fenate to take upon him the govern- ment, in the management of which he took Lucius Verus as Lib. Ixxi, his colleague. Dion Caffius fays, that the realon of doing this was, that he might have leifure to purfue his ftudies, and .on [A] When he was adopted by his cameempercr, hi- left the name of Vr- grandlather by the lather's fide, here- ru< to Lucius Commodus, his auoi  ; ceived his name M. Annius Verus 5 and brother, and took that of Antoninuc, Hadrian the emperor, inftead of Ven>s, under which he is generally known in jifed to call him Vv-riflimuF, on account hiftory. But he is dilTmgui&ed fio'n of his recritude and veracity. (Dion his piedecciTor Titus Antoninus, eirhvr Cafi". lib. Ixix. p. -'79. edit. Wechel. by the name of Marcus, or by the name 1606.) When he was adopted by An- or Philofophus, '.vhiihis given him iy toninus Pius, he aiiumed the name of tlie general confent of writers ; but we M. yElius Aurelius Verus, beczijle Au- do not find this title to have been given /elius was the name of Antoninus's ta- him by any public aft or authority of mily, and ylius that of Hadrian's the fenate. Tillemont Hift. des Ernpe- into which he enteitd. "V'h?r, he be- reurs, torn. iv. p, 559^ account