Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/30

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XXI V LI S T of the LIVES in the

  • Lully, John-Baptift

Luther. Martin Lu'ti, Benedicto Lycophron Lyde. See Joiner Lydgate, John Lydiat, Thojias Lylly, r Lilly, John Lyndf, Sir Humphry

  • Lyons, Ifrael
  • Lyfias

Lyfyppus Lyttelton, lord-keeper

  • Lyttelton, lord
  • Lyttelton, Bp.

M T/rABlLLON, John L * Mace, Thomaa Macedonians Ma<er, Emilius Machiavel, Nicholas Mackenzie, Sir George Maclaurin, Colin Maerobius, Amb. Aurelius Theod.

  • Madden, Dr. Samuel
  • Maddox, bp.
  • Madox, Thornai

Maecenas, Cains Cilniui '.Visftlinus, Michael Maff*us, Vegio, &c. Magellan, Ferdinand Magius, Jerorre 1W jgliabechi, Antony M.'hotnet Mahomet II. Maignan, Emanuel Maimbourg, Lewis Msinionides, Mofes Maintenon, Madam de

  • Maittaire, Michael

Maldonat, John Malebranche, Nicholas Maiherbe, Francis de

  • Mallet, David

Maloi^hi, Marcellus .Malvezzi, Virgil Marnbrun, Peter Mandeville, Sir John Mandtfviik, Bernard de Maneiho Manfredi, Eoftacbio

  • Mangetus, John James
  • Mangey, Thomas

Manichees Manilius, Marcus Manley, de la Riviere^ Mantuan, Baptifk ManutSu;, Aldus Manutius, Paul Manutius, Aldus Mapletoft, Dr. John Marca, Peter de Marcellinus, Ammianuj

  • Marchand, Profper

Marcilius, Theodore Marcionites Marets, John de Marets, Samuel de( Margaret, countefs of Rich- mond Margaret, dutchefs of Newr- caftle Mariana, John Marinella, Lucretia Marino, John Baptift

  • Marivaux, Peter Carlet de

Markham, Gervafe

  • Markland, Jeremiah

Marloe, Chriftopher

  • Marolles, Michel de

Marot, John Marot, Clement Marracci, Lewis Marfh, Narcidus M<rfhal, Thomat

  • Ma fhal, Nathanael

Marfiiam, Sir John Marfigli, Lewis Ferdinand Marfton, John Martial. s, Marcus Valerius Martianay, John

  • Martin, Thomas
  • Martin, Benjamin

Martini, Raymond Martyr, Peter Marvel), Andrew Marullus Marullus, M. Tarchaniftla Mary, queen of England Mary, queen of Scots Mary, queen of England, and wife of William III. Mafcardi, Auguftin Mafcaron, Julius Maflieu, Guillaume Maflinger, Philip MaiTon, papirius

  • Mjffon, John

Maffut, Rene Wither, Dr. Cotton

  • Maty, Matthew

Maugin, John

  • Maupertuis, Peter-Lewis
  • Mauriceau, Francis

Maximus of Tyre May, Thomas

  • Mayer, Tobiai

Mayerne, Sir TheoJoie de

  • Maynard, Francii

Mayne, Dr. Jafper Maynwaring, Arthur Mazarine, Julius Mead, Richard Mede, Jofeph

  • Medicis, Cofmo de
  • Medicis, Laurence of

Meibomius Mela, Pomponius Melanfthon, Philip Melito Melmoth, William Melvil, Sir James Menage, Giles Menander Menandrinc, Marfslics Mencke, Otto Mencke, John Mendez Goneales, Peter Mendez Gonzale?, John Mercator, Cera d Mercator, Nicholas Mercurialis, Jroma Merfennus, Martin Merula, George Merula, Paul Methodius Meurfius, John Mexeray, Francis Eudes de Meziriac, Claude Gafpar Bachet, Sieur de Michael Angelo Buonarruoti Michael Angelo da Caravagio Micrelius, John Middleton, Sir Hugh Middleton, Dr. Conyen Mignard, Nicholas Milbourn, Luke Mill, John ' Mill, Henry Miller, James Milletiere, Theophilus Bra. chet, Jieur de la Milton, John Mimnermus Mirandula, J. Picus, earl of Mirandula, John Francis Picus, prince of

  • Miraeus, Aubertus

Milfon, Francis Maximilian Mitchell, Jofeph

  • Modrevius, Andreas Friciof

Moine, Stephen le Moine, Francis le Molefworth, Robert Moliere Molinzus, Carolusj or Charlet du Moulin Molinaeus, Peter j or Peter du Moulia