Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/307

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A N T O N I U S. 271 prefcnt fituation of the commonwealth. I Ierc Cicero moved tor a decree of a general amnelty, or acl ut oblivion, lur all that was p;.fkl : to which they unanimoufly agreed. AM- thony diCllmblcJ wdl, lor it was nothing but diffimuUtia he itemed to be all goodneL ; ;d o| :.<umng hut hcaiin^ meafurei; and, for a proof or his Cincei ity, moved, that the confptrators ihou'd be invited to take part in their ddibcr.t- tioris, and lent his fon as an hoftagc fur their CaCcty. Upon this, they all came c'own from the C .pitol ; and, to crown the joy of the day, Brutus Cupped with Lepidus, as Caflr did with Anthony. Anthony is laid to havcalkcj Caffius, dur- s- f At-. ing fupper, > whether he ft ill wore a dagger unJer liis gown r" c /IIAI - Yes," replied Caffius, " and a very large one, in caie you " invade the fuvereis^n power." This was what Anthony a!l the while aimed .it; and, as the event (hewed, he purlued his mea Cures with the grcatcit addreis. He artfully propolcd a decree for the. confirmation of Czefar's act* ; and getting CxCar's regifler into his power, he propoled as CaiCar's acts whatever Cuited liis purpoCe. He procured a public Cuneral for Csefar, and took that opportu- nity of haranguing the Coldiers and populace in his favour ; and he inflamed them Co againlt ihc conlpirators, :hat Brutui. and Caffius were forced to leave the city. He made a pro- greCs through Italy, to Colicit the veteran foMiers, having firft Cecured Lepidus, who had the army to his iotercfb : he feized the public treaCure ; and he trtateJ upon his arrival with fupercilioufnels and contempt, though the adopted fon and heir of Julius Caefar. The patriots hoive^-r, with Cicero at their head, eCpoufir.g Octa ius, in order to deilrov Anthony, the latter was forced to ch ii^c his meafures, and ]ook: a little abroad : he endeavoured to extort the provinces of Macedonia and Syria from Brutus and Cdilius, but riot fucceeding, refolves to poileCs himfelf t>i Cifalpine Gaul, anci belieges Decimus Brutus in Mutina. This fiege is one of the moft memorable things of the kind in hiftory, and in con- dueling which Anthony, though defeated, gained p ts reputation : the confuls Hirtius ami P n .nia were both Chin : and nothing but fuperior forces could have lelt C tfcviui niafter of the field. Anthony fled in great confufion, wanting e f en the necciTaries of life j and this very man, who had hitherto ed in luxury and intemperance, was obliged to live for l.mjc d.r upon roots and water. He fled 10 the Al;^, and ' -.a by Lepidus: with whom, and (XUvi j>, he for;;.- i the fecond triumvirate, as it has uiu, 1 ,!!;. Lv.-u -n .ic