Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/316

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2 So A P O L L N I U S. " cerning Archilochus," atreatife "Of the Origin of Alex- '* andria," " Cnidos," and other works. He publifhed hi$ poem of the *' Argonautics" at Alexandria, upon his return thither, when fent for by Ptolemy Euergetes, to fucceed Eratofthenes as keeper of the public library. It is fuppofed that he died in this office, and that he was buried in the fame tomb with his mafter Callimachus. The ancient fcholia Ba-ller, U p 0n his " Argonautics" are ftill extant : they are thought to be written by Tarrhjeus, Theon, and others. Henry Stephens publifhed an edition of this poem in quarto, 1574, with the " Scholia" and his own annotations. There was likewife an edition publiflied, with a Latin verfion, at Ley- den, 1641, by Jeremiah Hoelzlin. P>rpusin APOLLONIUS of Perga, a city of Pamphylia, a famous iih! < vii! * geometrician, who lived under the reign of Ptolemy Euer- getes. He ftudied a long time at Alexandria, under the difciples of Euclid, and compofed feveral works, of which only his " Conies" remain. T his is much valued ; and many authors, both ancient and modern, have tranflated and commented upon it. There is extant the " Comment of " Eutocius of Afcalon," on the four firft books of this work, hemat. with fome lemmas and corollaries of his own. We have

' p . c "^ alfo to the number of fixty five lemmas by Pappus, on the

" Conies" of Apollonius. Frederic Commandin gave a new verfion of this work, which he printed at Bologna, in 1566, with a verfion of the *' Commentary of Eutocius" and feveral notes. There were alfo feveral other verfions and comments on this work [A]. APOLLONIUS, a Pythagorean philofopher, born at Ty- anain Cappadocia, about the beginning of the firft century. riilioflr. in At fixteen years of age he became a ftricl: obferver of Pytha- HiT'i Afoll " oras ' s rules, renouncing wine, women, and ail forts of flefh ; not wearing fhoes, letting his hair grow, and wearing nothing but linen. He foon after fet up for a reformer of mankind, and chofe his habitation in the temple of .#Lfcula- piusi where he is faid to have performed many miraculous A] Dr. Halley puMiflied an excel- comment of Eu'ocius,'Sn Greek and La- lent edition of Apollonius, in 1710. tin ; while Dr. Halley was to tranflatethe It was printed at the Theatre in Oxford, three laft out of Arabic into Latin, and in folio, with the Lemmas of Pappus to endeavour to reftore the eighth, and Comments of Eutocius. This work which was loft through the injury of was begun by Dr. Gregory, who had time: but by the death of Dr. Gregory, undertaken to prepare the firft four books the work fell whollj upon Dr. Halley. i Of Conies," for the prefs, with the cures.