Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/320

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284 A P R O S I O. Michel Juf- he became fo much efteemed, that he was appointed vicar- Ji n guri.p5"! general of the congregation of our Lady of Ccnfolation at Phil. Eifius^ enoa - As foon as he had finifhed his ftudiss, he taught Encomiafticphilofophy, which he continued to do for five years ; alter Auguft '" ia ," which he travelled into feveral parts of Italy, and fettled at noapudjul- 17 , ' - o tinianum, Venice in >he year 1630, in the convent of St. Stephen. p. 63. What rendered him molt famous, was the library of the Au- Raffacl So-g U ftj ns at Ventimiglia which being chiefly colledied by him, Scrit. Ligu- was a P ro f or ~ h ' $ l ve f r books, and his excellent tafte. He ria, p. it. published a book, concerning this library, which is much fought after by the curious [A]. He ufed to difguife him- felf under fictitious names in the title-pages of his books; which conduct might, perhaps, be owing to the fubjeb he wrote upon; they not being always fuited to a religious life: fuch, for inftance, as the Adonis of the cavalier Marino, &c. Tuftiniani 'And if we confult tthe authors who have given us a catalogue

n 1667. of the writers of Liguria, we find that he afTumed fometimes

/ ' Ug '68 i " the name of MafotoGaliftoni, fometimes that of Carlo Ga- liitoni, Scipio Glareano, Sapricio Saprici, Oldauro Scioppio, &c. [B], His life is written in the book intituled " La Biblio- Grcg.Letlin.t theca Aprofiana." Several authors have beftowed upon his Ital. rcg. , . . .. part iv. " Irn ver y great encomiums, iomeor whom have been perhaps Jjb. iii. rather too extravagant in their praifes. He was admitted as ? 7 J-' a a member into feveral academies, particularly that of eli In- Folyhift. . . c ,, i , T Morhcfij, cogniti of Venice, as appears by the book inmled " Le glo- p. 38. *' rie degli Incogniii, overo gli huomini illuftri dell' acade- [A] Morhof mentions th's work in Speft.icles broken, by Scipio Glariano, feveral places of his Polyhiftor, pub- being an Anfwer to fignor cavalier Fra lifted in 1688, (p. 38, 39.) and always Tomafo Stigliani. " La Sferza poetic? as if he thought it had not been yet " di Sapricio Saprici, lo fcantonata ac- publifhed; neverthelefs Mr. Bayle af- " cademico heteroclito per rifpofta alia fures us, that the ' Bibliotheca Apro- " prima cenfura dell' Adone del cava- " fiana" was printed, at Bolojzna in 16735 " lier Marino, fatta del cavalier To- and that Martin Fogelius, or Vogelius, ' mafo Stigliani:" The poetical Scourge profeflor at Hamburgh, had a copy cf of Sapricio Saprici, being an Anfwer jt, as appeared by the catalogue of that to the firft Cenfure of the Cavalier profeflbr's books. Marino's Adonis, by Cavalier Tomafo [E] The cavalier Stigliani having Stigliani. " Del veratro, apologia di published the book of " i'Ochiale," or " Sapricio Saprici per rifpofta alia fe- the Spectacles, which is a fevere cen- " conda cenfura dell' Adone dell cava- fure on the " Adonis," he was attacked lier Marino, farta del To- on all fides ; but amongil all the arfvo- " mafo Stigliani:" Hel!ebo:i-, or an cates for cavalier Marir.o, nobody fhew- Apology of SapricLo Saprici, being an cd more zeal for the Adonis than Apro- Anfwer to the fecond Cenfure of Cava- fio : the pieces he wrote in defence lier Marino's Adonis, by Cavalier thereof came abroad with the following Tomafo Stigliani. This treatife con- titles, " Ochiali Stritolato di Scipio fitted of two parts, one of which was Glareano per rifpofta al Signer Cava- printed in 1645, and the other in ' Here Fra Tomafo Stibium :"' The 1647. " mia