Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/323

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A P U L E I U S. 287 n his (Indies, and compofed feveral books, fome in vcrfe, and others in prole ; but moft of them have been loft [c]. He took great plealure in declaiming, and was heard gene- rally with great applaufe : when he declaimed at Orca, the audience cried out with one voice, that they ought to con- fer upon him the honour of citizen. The citizens of Car- thage heard him with gieat fatisfa&ion, and erected a flatue to him; and feveral other cities did him the fame honour. The works of Apuleius have many of them been printed fe- parately, under the infpetion and with the notes of learned and able critics, Priceus in particular : and they have alfo been printed feveral times in a coileMion, the beft edition of which is that of Paris, 1688, in two volumes 410. [c] Seethe diflertation " De vita et his " Letters to Cerellia," his Pro- " fcriptis Apuleii," which Wower has " verbs," his " Hermagoras," his prefixed to his edition. Apuleius tranf- " Ludicra :" we have flill left his lated Plato's Pha?oo, and Nicomachus's treatifes " De philofophia natural!," Arithmetic. He alfo wrote a treatife " De philofophia morali," " De fyllo- ' DC republica," one " De numcris," gifmo categorico," ' De deo Socra- and " De mufica." We meet with quo- " tis," *'De mundo," and his "Flo- tations out of his " Table quefiions," rida." AQUINAS (Sr. THOMAS), commonly called the Ange-DuPin, lical Doctor, of the ancient family of the counts of Aquino, Biblioth. defcended from the kings of Sicily and Arragon, was born in tcm-x * the caftle of Aquino, in the Terra di Lavoro, in Italy, about e'lk^ the year 1224. At five years of age he was commited to the i7 care of the monks of Mount Caffino, with whom he remained till he was lent to the univerfity of Naples. In the year 1241, -he entered into the order of the preaching friars at Naples, without the knowledge of his parents. His mother, being informed of this, ufed her utmoft efforts to make him leave this focietv ; to prevent which, the Dominicans re- moved him to Terracina, and from thence to Anagna, and at laft to Rome. His mother followed him thither, but could not obtain leave of the monks to fee her fon : however, by the afliftance of her two elder fons, fhe feized the youth in his journey to Paris, whither he was fent by the monks of his order, and ordered him to be {hut up in her caftle ; from whence, after having been confined two years, he made his efcape, and fled firft to Naples, and then to Rome. In 12.54, he went to Paris with John, the mafter of the Teutonic order, and from thence removed to Cologn, to hear the leclures of Albertus Magnus. Here he remained till he was invited again to Paris, to read leclures upon the " Book of Sen- " tencesi" which he did with great applaufe, before a very