Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/334

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298 ARCHIMEDES. i. ITS! rjj ri*aI> or his account by means of which (according to Atli?- or the method hkh he ufcd to dif- nzus, AEJWVOS-. lib. v.) he hunched cver the mixture of ^old jnrf filver in Hiero's great (hip. 4. The Tfis-w-ifar, the crown, a. His description of the or TfiWa-r 1 "'. of 'he power ot which KovXw or KovMov, an engine to drav/ Tzetzes gives a hyperbolical relation, water out of places where it IG Jtag- Chi!, ii. hifi. 35. 5. The machines he nated. Athenaus, fpeaking of the pro- ufed in the defence of Syracufe againft .xiijiious Jhip built by the order of Hiero, Marcellus. Of thefe we have an ac- teil-ius, that Archimedes invented the cout in Polybius, Livy, and P!u- cochlioa, by means .of which the hold, tnr.h. 6. His burning- glafJVs, with its depth, could be which he is faid to have fet fire to th-e drained' by one man. (AsiTyis-c^-av, Roman gallies. Galen, I7e<; Hfaa-sur.', lib. v.) Diodorus Siculus informs us lib. in. 7. His pneumatic and hydrau- (lib. v.) that he contrived this machine lie engines, concerning which he wrote to drain Egypt, and that by a wonder- books, according to Tz-etzes, Chil. ii. ful mechanifm it would empty the wa- hilt. 35. ter from any depth. 3. The "^t| ARET^EUS, a phyfician of Cappadocia, but in what time he fiouriflied authors are not agreed ; Tome placing him under Auguftus Csefar, others under Trajan or Adrian. However, his works aie very valuable. The beft editions were published by Dr. Wigan and Dr. Boerhaave. Dr. Anecdotes Wigan's was elegantly and corredly printed in folio, at Ox- ct Bowyer.'ford^ jy 2 3 : in- hi^s preface he gives an account of all the pre- ' ls 'ceding editions. To this are fubjoined, di(Tertations on tha 3ge of Aretseus, his fet, his fkill in anatomy, and his method of cure. At the end is a large collection of various readings GCB.D&. with notes on them ; a treatife on the author's Ionic dialed*, and a Greek index by the learned Mr, Maittaire. Dr. Boer- haave's was publilhed at Leyderi, 1731, with many emen- dations and improvements. It has been faid of Aretaeu?, and we fuppole, very truly, that he ftudied nature more than . books. ARETIN '(Guv), a Benedictine monk, who HveJ in the eleventh century. He rendered himfelf famous by dif- covering a new method of learning mufic. He published a book upon this fu!>jcc3: intitled " Mkrblogus," and a letter, which has been inlerted by cardinal Baronius in his Annals, under the year 1022. It was under the pontificate of John XX. that the " Microiogus" appeared, the author being then four- and-thirty years of age, and having been thrice invited to Rome by pope Benedict VIII. His holinefs had examined the * Antiphonaire" of Aretin, and admired feveral things ?. 694, in this author. Poflevin tells us, in his Apparatus, Guy Aretin was the inventor of the fix notes in mufic, " Ut, Re, " Mi, Fa, Sol La ;" and fome will have it, that the names of thefe fix notes were borrowed from a hymn, containing the following Sapphic verfes :