Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/364

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328 Pcrrault'3 Lives, 0.143. Holland edit. A R N A U D. tradl in French, intituled " Fnnc et veritable difcours," &c, or, " A frank and true Difcourfe to the King, concerning

  • the Re-eftablifhment of the Jews, as requeued of him.'*

Some have afcribed this to Arnaud, but others have pofi- tively denied him to be the auihor. Some have fuppofed that Arniud was of the reformed religion, but Mr. Bayle ha3 fully proved this to be a mift.ike. Authors are not agreed as to the age of Arnaud when he died: Some fay 103, others 70, others not above 60. ARNAUD D'ANDILLI (ROBERT), eldeft fon of the pre- ceding, born at Paris in 1589. He was introduced at court when very young, and employed in many confiderable offices, all which he difcharged with great reputation and integrity. No man was ever more eiteemed amongft the great, and none ever employed more generoufly the influence he had with them, for the defence of truth and juftice. He omitted bu- finefs, and retired to the convent of Port Royal des Champs, at fifty-five years of age ; where he pafled the remainder of his days in a continual application to works of pi^ty and de- votion. He enriched the French language with many ex- cellent tranflations : he alfo wrote poems en facred and other fubjects. His works are fo numerous, that they have been printed in eight volumes folio ; a catalogue of which may be leen at the end of hiseulogium in the " Journal des S^avans>" September 9, 1695. Mr. Arnaud, during his retirement at Port Royal des Champs, after feven or eight hours ftudy every day, ufed to divert himfelf with rural amufements, and par- ticularly with cultivating his trees, which he brought to fuch perfediion, and had fuch excellent fruit fiom them, that he ufed to fend fome of it every year to queen Anne of Auftria, which this princefs liked fo well, that fhe always defired to be ferved with it in the feafon. He died at Port Royal, 1674, in his 86th year. ARNAUD (ANTHONY), dodlor of the Sorbonne, an4 brother of the preceding, born at Paris the 6th of February, 5612. He ftudied philofophy in the college of Calvi [cj, Latin " to perpetuate the memory of x the fervices he had dune them by de- " fending their privileges, and the ob- " ligations they owed to him, his chil- ' dren, and pofterity." See the pre- face to a book printed at Liege, 1690, intitule i Caufa Arnaldinaj feu Anto- " nius Arnaldu? doflor et fociusSor- " bonicus a cenfura anno 1656, fob t( nomine faculratis theologies Parifi- " enfisvulgata vindicatus." [c] This college does not now fuSfift, the new buildings of the Sorbonne hav- ing been raifed upon its ruins. and