Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/369

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A R N D T, 33j printed feparate, in 1605, at Jena, by Stegman : he puhliflied the three others in i6ob>. The firit book, is called the *' Hook " of Scripture :" he endeavours in it to fliew the way of the inward and fpiritual lilc, and that Adam ought to die every day more and more in the heart of a Chriftian, and Chrift- to gain the afcendant there. The Ice nd is called " Trie Boole " of Life :" he propnfcs in it to diret the Chnftian to a greater degree of perfection, to give h m a rclifh for lutTer- ings, to encourage him to refill: his enemies after the example of his Saviour. The third is intituled " The Book of Con-

  • ' fcience :" in this he recalls the Chriftian witnin himfelf,

and difcovers to him the kingdom of G> d ieated in the midll of his own heart. The lalt book is intituled " The Book of

  • ' Nature :" the author proves here, that all the creatures

lead men to the knowledge of their Creator. This work was tranflated into many different languages, and among the reft into Englifh : it was published at Loirdon, 1712, in 8vo, and dedicated to Queen Anne, by Mr. Boehm. ARNE (Dr. THOMAS AUGUSTINE diftinguiihed by muiic, was the Ion of Mr. Arne, an upholfterer in Covent Garden, whom Addifon is fuppofed to have characterifed in K 155, and N 160. of " The Tatler ;" and brother of Mrs.Cibber the player. He was early devoted to mufic, andBiographia foon became eminent in his profeffion. July 6, 1759, he had D " matlc2 > the degree of doctor of mulic conferred on him at Oxford. gJ 0> ~" His compofitions are univerfally applauded, and he was alfo particularly fkilful in inftrucling vocal performers. He died March 5, 1778, having written the following pieces: *' Arta- " xerxes," 1762; "The Guardian Outwitted," 1764; The Roie," 1778, all of them Operas. ARNIS^EUS (HENNINGUS), an eminent German, was born at Halbeiftad, and became profefibr of phyfic in the univerfity of Helmftad. His political works are much cfteemed : the muft remarkable of which is his hook " De ' authoritate principum, in populum femper inviolabili," printed at Francfort 1612. In this he maintains that the authority of princes ought not to be violated. He wrote alfo upon the fame doclrine his three books " De jure majeftatis," printed in 1610; and his " Reflediiones political," printed in 1615. He did not finifh this lal! work, which in other Eofiusde refpedls has been allowed to be excellent; "opus prnecla- comparand! " rum, fed imperfedlum." Having received an invitation P: to Denmark, he went thither, and was made counfellor and c ' ptyfician