Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/37

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AARSENS (FRANCIS), lord of Someldyck and Spyck, was one of the greateil minifters for negociation, the United Provinces could ever boast of. Cornelius Aarfens his father was regifter to the States; and being acquainted with Mr. du Piems Mornay at the court of William prince of Orange, he prevailed 'upon him to tnke his fon under him, with whom he continued fome years. John Olden p Barnevelt, who prehded over the affairs of Holland and all thener'sMe- United Provinces, fent him afterwards agent into France ; moirs% where he learned to negociate under thofe profound politi- P ' cians, Henry IV. Villeroy, Rofny, Silleri, Jeannin, &c.; and he acquitted himftlf fo well, as to obtain their approbation. Soon after he was invefled with the character of ambaiTsdor, being the firft who was recognized as fuch by the French, court; at which time Henry IV. declared, that he fhoulcl take precedence next to the Venetian minifler. He redded. in France fifteen years ; during which time he received greac marks of enVem from the king, who created him a knight and baron ; and for this reafon he was received amongft the nobles of the province of Holland. However, he became at leng h fo ibid/ odious to the French court, that they defired to have him re- called. He was afterwards deputed to Venice, and to feveral German and Italian princes, upon oecafion of the troubles m Bohemia: this was in 1620, and ic is to be ohferved, fays virque- Mr. Wicquefort, " that the French king ordered the duke of f rrv Trsit. "Angouleme. the count of Methune, and Abbe des Preaux, on / mbaf - v T K ' tador?, toir,