Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/375

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A R R I A N. 339 1 Alani," and a third of the " P.mhians" in fcvcntccn books, which he brought ciown to the vv;-.r carrie I on by Trajan againft them. He cives us likewife an abridgment of Arrian's ten books of the " Hiftory of the fuccellbrs of Alexander theRibliothec.

  • ' Great:" and tells us all"), that he wrote an account of c " d - 9 Z -

the Indies in one book, which is still extant. The work which he fn It entered upon vas his "History of Bithynia;" but wanting the proper memoir- and m iterials for it, ne suf- pended the execution of this design till he had published some other thing?. This history confided of eight books, and was earned down ti'.l the time when Nicomedrs refigned VofT. d Bithynia to the Romans ; but there is nothing of it ien.iain- H ' ft -_ Gr *C4 ing except what is quoted in Photius and Stephanas Byz3n- c ' a b p "^ tinus. Arrian is laid to have written fcveral other works :j q pf. U( j . Lucian tells us, that he wrote the life of a robber, whofemaiu. name was Ti'iborus: this author, endeavouring to excufe himfelf for the pains he had taken in writing the Life of Alexjnder the importer, fpeaks in the following manner:

  • ' Let no perfon," fays he, " accufe me of having employed

" my labour upon too low and mean a fubjedt, fince Arrian, " the worth) ditciple of Epi&etus, who is one of the greateft " men amongft the Romans, and who has paffed his whole " life amongtt the Mufes, condefcended to write the Life " of Tiliborus." There is likewife, under the name of Ar- rian, a Periplus of the Red-fea, that is, of the eaftern coafts of Africa and Afia, as far as the Indies ; but authors are not agreed whether this be his. There is likewife a book of Tactics under his name, the beginning of which is lo(t ; to thele is added the order which he gave for the marching of the Roman army againft the Alani, and giving them battle, which may very properly be afcribed to our author, who was engaged in a war againft that people.

There were feveral other perfons of his name : Julius Ca- pitolinus, in his " Life of the Empeior Gordian," mentions a Greek hiftorian of that name. Suetonius, in his "Life of Tiberius," mentions a poet of the fame name; probably the same, who, according to Suidas, wrote the "Alexandrias," an heroic poem in twenty-four books, upon the actions of Alexander the Great.

ARTALIS (JOSEPH), born at Mazara in Sicily, 1628, had an early paflion for poetry, and a ftrong inclination for arms. He finifhed his ftudies at fifteen years of age, about which time he fought a duel, in which he mortally wounded Z 2 hi*