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A T II A N A S I U S. 363 with many others of both communions. Scultetus leaves the matter in doubt ; but the beft and latefl critics, who have examined the thing moft exactly, make no queftion but that it is to be afcribed to a Latin author, Vigilius Tapfcn- fis an African biihop, who lived in the latter end of the iifth century, in the time of the Vandalic Arian perfl-cution. Voffius and Quefnel have written particular dilTertations in favour of this opinion. Their arguments are, i. Becaufe this creed is wanting in almoft all the manufcripts of Atha- iius's works. 2. Bccaufc the ftyle and contexture of it does not befpeak a Greek but a Latin author. 3. Becaufe neither Cyril of Alexandria, nor the council of Ephefus, nor pope Leo, nor the council of Chalcedon, have ever fo much as mentioned it in all that they fay againft the Neftorian or Eutychian herefies. 4. Becnufe this Vigilius Tapfenfis is known to have published others of his writings under the borrowed name of Athanafius, with which this creed u- com- monly joined. Thefe reafon<= have pcrfuaded Peaifon, U flier, Cave, and Dupin, critics of the belt rank, to come into the opinion, that this creed was notcompofed by Athanafius, but by a later and a Latin writer. But whoever was the au- thor of it, this noways arFecls its orthodoxy; fuicg that nmft depend, not on human, hut divine authority. ATHEN AGORA?, an Athenian phmfopher, who be- came a convert to Chrilmnity. Me vas remarkable for his zeal, and :-.!fo for his gr j a? ! arnmg. :js ap'H-ars from the

  • ' Apology," wnich he adc-reikd .o ihc Emperors Aurelius

and Com'modus, about the year 180. Bayle thinks, that thisFabrtc.Bib!.

  • ' Apology" was not actually pre(ent:d, but only printed, Gr. vol. y.

like many o c ihe proteftant petitions in Fnnce, after the re- vocation of 'h-' edic* (>f N unes in 16:5. Befides the " Ano-jj;,^ ; n " lgv." the'(- i? ilfo remainijig of Athei^d-ras a piecevoce. upon the " R'-iur^t^.i n , ' bo h written in a llyle truly Attic. They have both been pr-nted oaen. ATHEN^US, a Greek grammarian, born at Naucratis Fabric. Blbi. in Egvpr, Hourifhed in *.he thud centur/. He was one of ^ Gr ' vol>llu the nr it learned men in his time : he hdd read fo much, and remen.Dtu.d f-jch a variety of thing-, that he might be ftyledCadub. the V .irro of thtG r> -t.i.s Of r.Ii his writings none remain 1>r;tt - in but the work intitled " The Deipnofophifts," that is to fay/ ct The Sophills at Table," and difr ourfing. Here an infi- nite variety of fafts and quotations ^rc prefervf-d, which are to be met with no where elfe j iuid hence, as Bayle truly obfervcs,