Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/41

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A B B A D I E. that ftrong nervous eloquence, for which he was fo re- markable, enabled him to enforce the doctrines of his pro- fdlion from the pulpit with great fpirit and energy [A]. |"A J The account of his writing?, inthe order they were published, is as follows : 1. " Sermons fur divers textes de " 1'Ecriture ; Leiden, 1680." Ser- mons on feveral texts of Scripture, 8vo. 2. " Panegyrique de Monfe:gneur " 1'Elecleur de Brandebourg ; Rotter- " dam,' 1684 " A Panegyric on the Elector of Brandenbourg. 3. ' Traite de la verite de la Reli-

  • ' gion Chrctiv-nns ; Rotterdam, 1684."

A treatife of the truth of the ChrilHan religion. This has pone through feven editions. The Abbt: Houteville fpeaks of it in thele terms : " The moft mining " of thefe treatifes for defence of the " Chriftian relig on, which were pub- " liilied by t'ue Proteflants, is ihat writ- ' ten by Mr. Abbadie. The favourable '< reception it met with, the praile it ' received, almoft without example,

  • ' immediately after its publication, the

" univerfal approbation it ftill meets ' with, render it unneceiTary tor me to " join mv commendations, which would

  • ' add fo little to the merit of fo great

" an author. He has united in this

  • ' book all our controveriies with the

" infidels. In the firO, part, he com- ' hats the Atheifts ; the Deifts in the

  • ' fecond ; and the Socinians in the

" third. Philofophy and theology enter " happily into his manner of compofmg, '* which is in the true method, lively, " pure, and elegant, efpeciaily in the " firft books." Difcours hiftorique et critique Air la methode des principaux auteurs, &c. p. 187. 4. "Reflexion fur la prefence re-!le " du corps tie Jefus Chrift dans TEu- " chariflie, comprifes en diverfes letfes;

  • '. Have, 1685." Refleftions on the

real prefence in the facrament. 5. " L'Art de fe connoitre foi-metne, " ou la recherchs des fourC;S de la mo- " rale ; Rotterdam, 1692." The arc of knowing one's felf, or an inquiry into the fources of n.oralitv. 6. " Defenfe de la nation Britanni- " que j ou les drcits rie lyieu, de nature, " Sc de la (bcietc 'O'U clairTnent etablis " au fujet de la revolution J'AngletC're, " centre 1'auteur de 1'avis important aux " refugies." A defence ct the Revo- lution in England. 7. " Panegyrique de Marie reine " d'Angleterre, decedcr le Decembrc " 18, 1694; Hays, 169^." A pane- gyrick on Mary Queen or England. 8. *' Hiltoire de la confpiratii n der- " niere d'Anf letcrre, avec le detail des " diverfes entrcpr.les centre le roi et la " nation, qji out precede ce dernier " attentat j Londie*, 1696." An ac- count of the late confpiracy in England, This piece was written by order ot king William III. and the materials were furniihed by the earl of Portland, and fir William Trumball, fecretary of ftate. 9. " La verite de h religion reformee; " Kotterdain, 1708. Tiie truth ot" the reformed religion. Dr. Henry Lambert, Ei(hop of Dromore, nanflated this piece into Englilh, for the inltruclion of the Roman Catholics in his diocefe. 10. " La triomphe de la providence " et de la religion, ou Pouverture dea " fept fceaux par le fils de Dieu ; Am- " fterdam, 1723." The triumph of providence and religion, or the opening the feven feaJs by the fon of God, &c. M. Voltaire fpeaks contemptuoufly of this performance in his lift of writers iri the age of Lewis XIV. He was cele- brated, lays that author, for his treatife upon the Chiiftian religion ; but he afterwards difcredit-d that work by his " Opening of the feven leals." Eelides what va have mentioned, he publifhed 'feveral fingle fermous, and fome ather liitle pieces, which met with general Approbation, ABBOT (GEORGE), archhifhop of Canterbury, was born Oft. 29, 1562, at Guilford, in Surrey [A], He received the '[A] His fither Maurice Abbot was a means of Dr. Story, who was a great elothworker, and fettled at Guilr'ord, perfection of fuch perfcns in the n i where he married Alice Marfti ; he luf- of Queen Mary. The conclufion of ictr vered a great deal for his fledtaftnefs in d'.y, however, was more torrunate. the Proteftant icligion, through the TUcy livsd l^:;iit;i 58 yens, and cn- B 3