Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/428

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392 A T T E R B U R Y. vault v!i:ch ir. the year 1722, had been prepared by his direc tions [F J. 'Inhere is no memorial over his grave : nor could th^rc well be any, unit Is hi;- friends would have confented ( > i,',.;!i ir i-, moil probable they rcfulcd to do) that the words implying him to have died bifacpof Rochefierfnould have been omitted on his tomb. Some time before his death, he published a Vindication of hiimelf, Bifliop Smalri^e, and Dr. Aldrich, from a charge brought againtt them by Mr. Oldmixon, of hav- ing altered and interpolated the copy of lord Claren- don's " Hiflory of the Rebellion [o]." Biftop Atter- bury's " Serrr:ons" are extant in four volumes in o:tavo : thofe contained in the two firft were published by himfelf, and dedicated to his great patron iir Jonathan Trelawny, e< In hnc tirna depofiti funt cinercs FRANCISCI ATTERBUUY Epifcopi nfis." The following lines tre intended as a continuation of this epitaph j why they were not ufed, ic is unnscefiay to mention : " Na'u'Martii vi, MDCLXII. Incarcerem conjeftus Auc. x;;i.', MDCCXXI. Mono poft menfe in Judicium addutus, Novoque Criminum cr 'l -ilium genere impetitus, Ada deir. jie-- Septiduum Ca , . , It everfir, Turn vivcntium, turn mortuorum Teftimoniis ; Ne decfTet Lex, qua phdli p Lata eft tandem Mali xxvii, MDCCXXIII. Hoc r ac noris Confcivit, aggr. fJ'.f elf, oerpetravit, (Zpifcoporum prKciput f ffragiis adjutus,) Robertus iftv Wjlpde Q^em nuila ncfdet Poltetitas ! fr] Tn a letter to Mr. Po.-e, dated of himfelf, declares, that he never fay April 6, 1722, he wi'-< .is follows; Lord Clarentiov.'s hlftory in manuftript, 1 am this morr vault in either before or I, rre the publication of ' the A'.b;y tor n. c * .1 mine. lam if, ncr eve' read a line of it but irj " to be in the AID ), o-caufe of my print j and that, wrh regard to Mr. 1 relation t,Mhe place; but it is at the Smiih, he never (as far as he could re- of it, as far from flings collect) exchangc-t) a vord with him in .irs as the place will ad- all his life, ncr 'o much as knew him by fn|,t, till cfu-r the edition of that r. Oldmixon, in the preface hi(r:ry. As f,,r Bi(hup Smalridge, he iftorv of tre Stusrts," fug- v as not any way concerned in preparing geHs, that "The Hifiorv of the Ks- itf,,rrhe prefsj the reviial of the roa- itw.s r-jHifted at Ox- nufcript bei: . intruded to the forJ, was not em work of care of Bi/hop Sprat and pean Aldrkh. the Lord Clarendon j ' that, in the by the Far! of IV.iehefter, who himfelf Imafjufcript, ;t thecharaflersof affifted irt't^iat work; and all three ', wh fp reigijs are xviitrcn, were pcr!-ns ^f known probity and

n " ; - lfuh,and incapable of confplring in a
n the 0-/l;.id Hiftoryj" and r,> impofe on the public. For

y had been " altered and more minute particulars, we refer to hii polaterf, while it was at the " Ep-.ftolary Con efpon-lc-nce," where

prefc. The Bifhop, in jufti5cat4 ^ " Vindication" is inferud at large.
