Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/452

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4 i6 A Y L M E R. to Dr. Bancroft, but the latter refufed it [A]. He died at Strypc, >ull)4m, the ^d of June, 1594, aged feventy three. He married Judith Bures, or Buc-rs, or" a good family in Suffolk, by whom he had feven Cons and two or three daughters. He was an excellent logician and hiftorian, and well (killed in the Hebrew tongue : he underftood the civil law, divinity, and theancicnt writers ; and was a rhetorical, bold, and pathetic preacher : he was very exadt in the difcharge of his epifcopai function, and inflexible to any felicitations or bribes : he was regular in his devotions, and punctual in his triennial viiitations ot his clergy. In his private life he wasamanof teconomy, but at the fame time a lover of magnificence, as appears by his household, which confifted of fourfcore perfons, to whom he was a good matter, that is, both a father and a friend. As became to his bifhopric in good circumftances, fo he died very rich, having laid out, a little before, fixteen Lifeof Ayl-thoufand pounds in one purchafe. His natural temper was very quick and warm; he was a man of a bold fpirit, fearing no body, and very free and bluntin his fpeech. [A] However Bancroft did fucceed himfelf fafe. But bi7iop Bancroft him, but n .t immediately ; and dealt alleging that lands being purchased as fhaiply with our biftiop's children, with the money which /hould have re- as he had done with his prcdecefTur paired the houfes belonging to the Sandys'?, and on the fame head, that biftiopric, thofe lands ought in reafon of dil pidations. Mr. Aylmer, the tube liable; he prevailed, and fo at bifliop's eldeft fon, alleged that his fa- laft a part of the eftate was fold in order ther's perfonal eftate only was liable on to make him fatisfaftion. Life of this account j and as a great part of that, p. 169. 191. was expended on his funeral, he thought Adores AYLOFFE (fir JOSEPH), bart. V. P. A. S. and F. R. S. f Bowy, r, n f Framfield in Sufiex, was dcfcended from a Saxon family, by Nichol;, . .. ,-. ' . _,,. p. 456. anciently feated at Bofton Alof near Wye, in the county of Kent, in the reign of Henry III. who removed to Horn- church, in the county of Eflex, in that of Henry IV. and to Sudbury in that of Edward [V. Sir William Ayloffe [A] of Great Braxtead, in the county of EfTex, was knighted by James I. May i, 1603; ani ^ created a baronet Nov. 25, 1612 ; and from his eldeft fon by his third wife, the late ba- ronet was the fourth in defcent and fifth in title. His fa- ther [n] and grandfather were both of Gray's Inn. He was burn about the year 1708 ; received the early part of his edu- [A] Of whom, andof his family and He married a daughter of Bryan Ayli(Fe 9 eftite, fee more particular; in Morant's an eminent merchant of London, (Mo. EiiVx, v i. u. p . 139. nnt 1,69.)} and died in 1 7.37. IK] Jofcph, a'oarriflerof Gray's Inn, 5 cation