Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/457

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C 4" ) INDEX TO THE FIRST VOLUME. A ARSENS, Francis Peter Aartgen Abbadie, James, Abbot, George . - Maurice Robert Abelard, Peter Abell, John Abcrnethy, John Ablancourt. See Perrot Able, Thomas Abrabanel, Ifaac Abftemius, Laqrentius Abul Faragius, Gregory Acciaioli, Donatus Accius, Lucius Accords, Stephen Tab. Acontius, James Acofta, Uriel Acropolita, George Adam, Mclchior Adamibn, Patrick Addifon, Lancelot - - - Jofeph Adrian, Publius ^Elius '- - IV. Pope Page i 3 ib. 4 5 15 ib. 17 24 ib Page Adrian de Caftello 64 Adriani, Joanni Battifta 66 Adrichomius, Chriflian 67 ./Egineta, Paulus ib. Alberoni, Julius 68 Alfred the Great 70 Claudius 85 Paulus 84 Gazeus, 87 Sylvius ib. the philofopher 94 the orator 07 the hiftorian Clodius Action ^Etius Afer, Domitius Agard, Arthur, Agathias 31 32 33 3 l 36 37 41 42 Agrippa, Henry Cornelius 43 Ainfworth, Henry 45 . Robert 47 Akenfide, Mark $6 Alain, Chartier 60 Alamanni, Lewis 99 101 IOZ 104. ib. 106 107 "4 116 ill ib. Almos,