Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/50

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  • 4 A B B O T.

fiift. of the Wellwood has done more juftice to the merit and abilities Rebellion, o f our prelate : " Archbifhop Abbot, fays he, was a perfon of Oxon. 1707. . J . . it 8vo., ' ' wonderful temper and moderation ; and in all nis conduct 89. " fhewed an unwillingnefs to ftretch the a6l of uniformity be- 81 yond what was abiolutely neceflary for the peace of the 84 church, or the prerogative of the crown, any farther than " conduced to the good of the ftate. Being not well turned te for a court, though otherwife of confiderable learning and

  • ' genteel education, he either could not, or would not (loop
  • to the humour of the times ; and now and then, by an unfea-

" fonable ftiffnefs, gave occafion to his enemies to reprefent

  • c him as not well inclined to the prerogative, or too much ad-

c di6ted to a popular intereft ; and therefore not fit to be em- Memoirs, " ployed in matters of government." As to the archbifhop's Sv. 1700. learning and abilities as a writer, pofterity may judge thereof v 'l*' from his writings upon various fubjecls, of which we (hall give, in a note, a lift as they were publifhed [G J. [o] i. " QuzfHones (ex, totidem prse-

    • ledticnibus in fchola theoloeira Oxo-

" nias pro forma habitis, difcufiae et dif- " ceptatie, anno 150,7, in (juibus e facra

    • fcri;>turaet patribus quid flatuendum
  • ' fit definitur; Oxoniae, 1598, 410.
  • ' Francororti, 1616, 410.

4. " Expofition on the prophet Jo- " nah, in certain fermons preachea in " Sr. Mary's church in Oxford} Lon-

    • don, 1600.

3. " Mis anfwer to the queft'.ons of " the citizens of London, in Janiury, " 1600, concerning Cheapfide crofs ; " London, 1641." The crofs in Cheap- fide was taken oown in the year iCoo, in order to be repaired; and upen ihis occafion the citizens of London defired the advice of both univerfities, Whether the crofs fliould be re-erefted or not ? Dr. Abbot, as vice-chancellor of Ox ford, laid, that the crucifix with the dove upon it ftould not be again fet up, but approved rather or a pyramid or lome other fimple ornzmest. This dttet mi- nation was confiftent with his own prac- tice, when in his laid office he cauled fe- veral fuperftitious pictures to be burnt in the marker-place in Oxford. 4. " Thsreafons which Dr. Hill hath " brcugh' for the upholding of papiftry,

  • ' unmafked anJ fliewed to bever) weakj

" Oxon. 1604." 5. " A preface to the examination of " George Sprct." 6. '* A ler'.non preached at Weflmin- " fler, Mjy a6. 1608, at ihe funeral of f Thomas earl efDorfet, late loid high " treafurer of England, on Ifaiah xl, 6 '< London, 1608." 7. " Tranflation of part of the New " Ttftament, with the teft of the Oxford " divines, 1611." 8. " Some memorials touching the nullity betwixt the earl of EiTex and " his lady, pronounced September 25, " 1613, at Lambeth, and the difficulties endured in the fame." To this is added, " Some obfervable things fincc " September 25, 1613, when the fen- " tence was given in the caufe of the " earl of Efiex, continued unto the day " of the marriage, December 26, 1613," which appears alfo to have been wrote by his grace j and to it is joined, the fpvech intended to be fpoken at Lam- beth, September 15, 1613, by the arch- bidiop, when it came to his turn to de- clare his mind concerning the nullity of the marriage. 9. " A bnef defcription of the whole " world ; London, 1634," JO. " A ihort apoiogy for archbifliop " Abho", touching the death of Peter ' Hawkir-s, dated Oclober S, l6zi." 11. ' Trea'ife cf perpetual vifibility " and fuccc,' on o ; the true church in all " ages; London, 1524,40." 12. A narrativt containing the true caufe of his frque(u.<tion and di (grace at court, 1617. 13. " Hiftory of the maflacre in the " V^ltoline " 14 His ' Judgment of bowing at the " nameof Jtius j Hamburgh, 1631." ABBOT