Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/53

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er ABBOT. i 7 majefty, that when the fee of Salifbury became vacant, he named him to that bifhoprick; and he was consecrated by h's own brother at Lambeth, Dec. 3, 1615. Vv>.en he ca.r.e to Fuller's Salifbury, he found the cathedral running; to decay, through Wunhies of , r c England, in the negligence and covetoufnefs of the clergy belonging to it : surrey. however, he found means to draw five hundred pounds from the prebendaries, which he applied to the reparation of this i^ailci,' '^ church. Me then gave himfelf up to the duties of his function 01 b P- with great diligence and afiiduity, vifirin^ his vholediocefe in P ' perfon, and preaching every Sunday, whilll lu;uth would per- mit, which was not long j for his ledentary life, and clofe ap- plication to ftu'.ly, brought upon him the gravel and (lone, of which he died M.irch 2, 1017, * n l ^ c S^' 1 Y ear f his age. He did not fill the fee quite two years and three months ; and was one of the five bifhop c , which Salifbury had in fix years. He was buried oppofite to the bifhop's feat in the cathedral. Fu] , Dr. Fuller, fpeaking of the two brothers, ftys, '* that George Jb j d " was the more plaufible preacher, Robert the greateft fcho-

  • ' lar ; George the abler ftatefman, Robert the deeper ci-

" vine ; gravity did frown in George, and fmile in Robert." Robert had been twice married, and his feconr) marriage gave fome difpleafure to the archbiihop. He left one fon.arivl one daughter ; Martha, who was married t'o Sir Nathaniel Brent, warden of Merion College in Oxford [A ]. PA] Dr. Abbot wrote the following 6. " Ths true ancient Roman C*. piec-s : " th^iic, beir.g an apology againft Dr. t. " The mirror of popifh fubt'lties : " Eiflio^'s reproof of the deence of the " diftcveiing the /Lifts which a cavil- " refornitd cathi.lic, 1611." " ling pa pi ft, in behalf oJ" PJU! Spencc, 7. " Antilogia: adverlus apolog'am " a prieft, hath gathered cut of S.<nd?rs " Andre;-e Eudaemon [channi 5 Jefuit*, " and Bell.irn:ine, &c. concerning the " pro H^nrico Garnetto Jel'uito prodi- " facraments, &c. icg^. " " t":e, 16:3." a. " The exaltation of the kingdom 8. " DC gratia cc perfeverantia Tanftc- " and priefthood ofChrilt, a fermon on " rum, exercitativnei hsbita: til acade- " the noth pfalm." c niii Oxonienn, 1618." 3. ' Antichridi demorft.-atij j contra 9. " In Ricardi '1 ftomfoni, Angli- " tabulas pontificiif, & irifptam Bell- " Bc!g!ci DiatribaiD, de amlffione & in<* " larmini, S:c. dedicated to king James, " terceliione jufi.ficatinnis & gratiz,

  • ' 1603 " '< anirr.i'ive.fu bievi?, 1618."

4. ' Defence of the jefc.rrr.ed catholic 10. " De foprcma potefat- re^'a, " of Mr, W. Ferk'ris, againlt the bil- " exerc'?ation:r habitain ar;djmi' l Oxo- ! tar.-! counter-catholic of Dr. William ' n'erfi contra Rob Bellarn.ine, 1619." " Din-iop, fsTi-nary prieil." He a'lb left behind liim federal ma- 5. "The old way, a fernon, at St. nofcript?, v.-hich Dr. Corbet rrade a pre-

  • ' Mary's, Oxen. 1610." finL of tu rli^ Cuaieijn library.

(PETER), one of the mcft celebrated doctors of the twelfth century, was born in the village of Palais, fix m'les from Nantz, in Ijiitany. Being of an acure genius, he applied himfelf to lopic with more fuccefs than to any other VOL. I. C ftudyj