Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/65

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ABRABANEL. wrote his " Majene Hajefchua/'and, in 1498, his " Mafcha- " nia Jefchua," and his " Commentary on Ifaiah. 5 ' Some time after he went to Venice, to fettle the difputes betwixt the Venetians and Portuguefe relating to the fpice trade ; and on this occafion he difplayed fo much prudence and capacity, that he acquired the favour and efteem of both thofe powers. In r 504, he wrote his " Commentary on Jeremiah ;" and, ac- cording to fomeauthors his " Commentary on Ezekiel,and the " twelve minor prophets." In 1506, hecompofed his u Com- " mentary on Exodus;" and died at Venice in the year 1508, in the 7 lit year of his age. Several of the Venetian nobles, and all the principal Jews, attended his funeral with great pomp. His corpfe was interred at Padua, in a burial-place without the ci:y. Abrabanel wrote feveral other pieces, be- fides what we have mentioned, the dates of which are not fettled ; and fome have not been printed [oj. He was a man of fo great a genius, that moft perfons have equalled him, and fome even preferred him to the celebrated Maimonides. The Jews fet a high value upon what he has written to refute the arguments and objections of the Chriftians; and the latter, though they hold in contempt what he has advanced upon this head, yet allow great merit in his other performances, wherein he gives many proofs of great genius, learning and penetra- tion. He does not Blindly follow the opinions of his fuperiors, but cenfures th^ir miftakes with great freedom. The perfecu- tions of the Jews, under which he had been a confiderahle fufterer, affedied him to a very great degree; fo that the re- membrance thereof worked up his indignation againft the Chriftians, and made him inveigh againft them in the ftiongeft terms. There is hardly one of his books, where he has omit- ted to fiiew his refentment and defire of revenge ; and what- [D] The following are mentioned in 9. " Seplier Schamsim Chadafchim." the Leipfic journal, vz. 10. " Labakath Nebhiim." i. " Comnient..iiei on Generis, Levi- His " Commentary on Hajgai" was ticus, and Num!;cis." tiai. dated into Latin by Adam Sherzerus, z. " Rach Amana." " and inhered in the Tiir'olinm Orien- 3. " Sepher Jdchuoth Mofchici, a " talc," publifhed in Le'pficin 1663, " treatife on the traditions relating to where his " Cimrr.entary on Jjfhua, " theMtfliah." Judpes, and Samuel," was alfo printed 4. " Zedek Olamrr.irr,, Upon fu;uie in fulio in 1686. In ih s fa.Tie year his " rewards and punifhments." " Annotations on Hcft;3,witn a preface 5. " Sephor Jemoth Olam, a hiftory " on the twelve minor prophets/' were " irom the tinie of Adam." tranfla r ed in'o French by Francis ab Hu- 6. ' Maamar Machale Schaddai, a fen, and publi/hed at Ltyden. Jni68j, " treatife on prophecy and the vifion of Mr. de Veil, a converted Jsw, published " Ezekiel, againft rabbi Maimonides." at London Abrabancl'i preface to Levi- 7. " Sepher Atereth Sekenim." ticus, 9. " MiphaloihLlohim works of God." ever