Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/69

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A C C I A I O L I. r>f the life of Chark-main ; and fome other work:; arc alfo afcribed to him [A 1. He was Cent to France by the Florentines, to fue for fuc- cour from Lewis X(. againft pope Sextus IV. but died on h journey at Milan; his body was carried to Florence, and buried in the church of the Carthufians. The frn.:!l fortune J-;viiM fn he left his children is a proof of his probity and dilmterefted- :0 B' is <M*. nefs. His daughters, like thofe of Ariftides, were married at the public expence, as an acknowledgment of his ferviccs. His funeral eulogium was fpoke by Chriftophcr Landini ; Ibid. and the following epitaph, by Politian, was infcribed oa his tooib.

" Donatus nomen, patria eft Florentia, gens mi " Acciajola domus ; clarus eram eloquio. " Francorum ad regem, patriae dum orator abirem j " In ducis Anguigeri mcenibus occubui. 11 Sic vitam impendi patris ; qua; me inde relatum e < Inter majorum nunc cineres lepelit." Donatus was my name, my country Florence, Iftoriadegll And from the fam'd Acciaioli I fprung, FloStoi. By eloquence I gain'd immortal wreaths: be! P. Gui- Going on an embaffy to France, ||U Ne s ri in Within the walls of fam'd Milan I dy'd. f f ^' i; lli My life I thus devoted to my country, Which kindly bringing rhy remains from thence, Here buried them amid my kindred aflies. [A] The fullowioe are mentioned by 4. " Rei familiaris cura." A trci- trie author of t!;e Hiltory of "the Floren- tife on private (Economy, dedicated to tine writers: John Oricellarius. 1. " Libri tres de anima." Three 5. " Traclatus He bono et rrulo books treating of the f>ul. " opere." Concerning g< od and bad 2. " Laudatio ab ipfo habita in funcre works : addrctfed likcwife 10 J -hn Oti- '* Franc'.fci Vaivodae, qui in bdlo con- celbrius. ' tra Turcas obierat.** A funeral elu- He alfo tranfljtfd into kit native Ei'im on Francis Vaivodj, wh> was gu.ige Leonardo Aretina's twelve bo^Ici killed in the war againft the Turks. of'hehiftory of Florence j which wu 3. ' Orati'ines eloqu-ntiirirnsfj qins dedicated to the mip.iilrates of that city,

  • ingpnti auditofum plaulu, habuit ad and printed at Venice in 1476. In ths

' Paulum 11. ad Sixtum IV. art Fran- library belonging to the Strozzi family 41 corum regem, &c." Orations which in Florence, tnrre i? prefejved a manu- he delivered as ambadador trom his re- fcript folio volume of oiigiaal Laun let P'ibl c to Paul II. Sixtus I V. the French turs, by Acciaioii. Icing, &c. ACCIUS (Lucius), a Latin tragic poet, the fon of a frccd- tiian, and, according to St. Jerome, born in the confulfhip of Hoftilius Mancinus and Attilius Serranus, in the year i.t VOL. 'I. D Rome